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Heater controller VR6

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No options on which vents I can direct air out of. Went to awesomgti, for new heater matrix installation which was done successfully - they pointed out the highlighted problem, and offered to rectify it. However, they couldn't get hold of a cable to replace the snapped one... They said if I could get hold of one, they'd fit it - apparently they've set it up so that when I find one, they don't have to take off the whole dash again. Any ideas where I can get one from, and how much for and is it called a Bowden cable? Plus my rheostat only works on 4, but already got ideas on that tho. Many thanks in advance.


Hence, http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=60380&start=315 ...had a go at emailing bigpants a few times, any other people breaking their VR6? Thanks again!

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No options on which vents I can direct air out of. Went to awesomgti, for new heater matrix installation which was done successfully - they pointed out the highlighted problem, and offered to rectify it. However, they couldn't get hold of a cable to replace the snapped one... They said if I could get hold of one, they'd fit it - apparently they've set it up so that when I find one, they don't have to take off the whole dash again. Any ideas where I can get one from, and how much for and is it called a Bowden cable? Plus my rheostat only works on 4, but already got ideas on that tho. Many thanks in advance.


Hence, http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=60380&start=315 ...had a go at emailing bigpants a few times, any other people breaking their VR6? Thanks again!


Which cable you after?

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Hi bigpants baby - you know the one that controls the blast of air to each group of vents, such as demisting windscreen, face fan, feet warmer, etc. Is this one a multiple of cables or just one? Either way I'll have it (them) if you've got it going spare. :)

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... :shock: someone help me out with this cable lark as I don't know what the hell it is and no one's got one. Due to awesomgti removing it, I have nothing to go off for comparison. All I know is, is that the turny knob that gives me the options for air to either come out of the dash vents and/or footwell, is kaput.



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i too need one of these as i broke mine when replacing my matrix. Etka gives the details of the length of the bowden cable but they are on back order from vw and i was told there was no guarantee as to when one would arrive. plus they were looking for around £30 for it if i remember correctly. Having been disgusted by the price and having lost interest somewhat i am currently learning to deal with the frustration of misted up windows everyday. However, the way i see it the length of the bowden cable to a degree is irrelevant (can be too short) as long as a the movement of the cable inside the outer casing is enough for the controls to opperate sufficiently. Therefore it doesn't necessarily have to be a specific vr bowden just one of a similar length but of equal movement


i.e ----========----


where the minus (-) sign is the cable and the equals (=) sign is the outer casing. when centralised its the length of the minus bit that is the critical part.


Anyway hope that makes sense i think it does to me, a bowden cable is basically like the cable you would have on the brakes of a bike.


An old cable from any other vw may do the trick as long as it has similar parameters of movement. And that can be checked by looking length of travel of the heater contraol arm when it is moved through its full rotation.


i may as always be mistaken so please feel free to correct me if im wrong.


If you find one that works please let me know which one you got as its a pretty easy job to do andit won't take me long to be able to see properly out of my windscreen again.





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Hey edd thanks for the help - will begin my search for a long enough cable - before I do that though, I'll investigate how long the snapped one should be and see what bonus lengths come up ...that's if I've read your message right. It's worth a try but does anyone know how long this particular cable is (ooh I can sense people's eyes rolling now). :D

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i too need one of these as i broke mine when replacing my matrix. Etka gives the details of the length of the bowden cable but they are on back order from vw and i was told there was no guarantee as to when one would arrive. plus they were looking for around £30 for it if i remember correctly. Having been disgusted by the price and having lost interest somewhat i am currently learning to deal with the frustration of misted up windows everyday. However, the way i see it the length of the bowden cable to a degree is irrelevant (can be too short) as long as a the movement of the cable inside the outer casing is enough for the controls to opperate sufficiently. Therefore it doesn't necessarily have to be a specific vr bowden just one of a similar length but of equal movement


i.e ----========----


where the minus (-) sign is the cable and the equals (=) sign is the outer casing. when centralised its the length of the minus bit that is the critical part.


Anyway hope that makes sense i think it does to me, a bowden cable is basically like the cable you would have on the brakes of a bike.


An old cable from any other vw may do the trick as long as it has similar parameters of movement. And that can be checked by looking length of travel of the heater contraol arm when it is moved through its full rotation.


i may as always be mistaken so please feel free to correct me if im wrong.


If you find one that works please let me know which one you got as its a pretty easy job to do andit won't take me long to be able to see properly out of my windscreen again.







mines the same , i just close the top vents , the pushed open the screen vent by hand (you will have to take off some dash not much), also i just fixed my fan not doing 123 but just 4 , it was the switch on mine , cleaned it all up and had to bend the tab so it worked .


its nice having a 2nd and 3rd speed and not that eye burning 4th :lol:


Good luck with it mate



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got new cables from the link above, having a absolute nightmare trying to get the clips for the bowden cables back on though, just no room and so much force required. Managed to break the bit of plastic the clip joins to on the windscreen flap too. So cant even fix that one at present....anyone doing this you have been warned. Now need to find some kind of clip that can hold the bowden in place and be screwed in position...anyone got any ideas!!.

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got new cables from the link above, having a absolute nightmare trying to get the clips for the bowden cables back on though, just no room and so much force required. Managed to break the bit of plastic the clip joins to on the windscreen flap too. So cant even fix that one at present....anyone doing this you have been warned. Now need to find some kind of clip that can hold the bowden in place and be screwed in position...anyone got any ideas!!.

Hey there, I shone a torch inside - couldn't find where to begin on mine either... So looks like I'm going to book it in for a proper installation. Would prefer to do it myself tho. :?

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