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2 more novice questions

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My vr6 I just bought has a couple of issues hoping someone can help and i didnt buy a pup ?


first the engine revs irratic when starting once warm runs fine ?


second might be harder to fix there is a leak on sun roof the roof works fine but is slightly lower in the corner that seems to leak ,,all the drainage to wheel arches seem good ,,,


the leak is on the passenger side ,,,,,,, yet the drivers floor is wet threw ????????



any help would be appriciated again ,,



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The idle problem is probably down to the ISV being a bit gunky, it happens over time, take it off and give it a clean with brake disc cleaner.


As for the leak, have a search for wet carpets as it is unusual for the sunroof to leak.


If not check the door seals are in one piece, the plastic membrane is still stuck all the way around the door with the door card off, the heater matrix has not blown (unlikely) and the the scuttle leaf seal (here) is ok.

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