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good reason not to

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The only true way to make out roads safer is to give people other methods of transport as the roads are so crowded these days, there is no margin for error left. But personally I don't believe in taking away peoples freedoom, where does it end, no talking to the driver, no driving? I drive and cycle on the roads knowing full well the risks involved and that I might get run over. Many years ago when I was a kid, when it snowed my old man would get his land rover out and tie sledges behind it, the whole village would join in and he would drive along the roads between the villages towing lots of kids behind him! That would never be allowed these days and my dad would almost certainly get his licence taken away for it, some of the best fun I had as a kid that my little boy certainly wont get unless I emigrate!


I'm not pro using mobiles whilst driving and certainly don't do it myself, but I do think that this country I used to love so much as a kid is rapidly becoming a complete nanny state where you can't have fun/freedom. The government want to bring in the old gps receiver for every car jobbie already, it will happen in the furure as the roads get worse despite the huge opposition. Then speeding will be determined using the receivers and that will be the end of fast cars.


Back in '97 I had a Mk 1 written off (see pic) after having it on the roads for three weeks, I had been building it for a year. My friend who was a passenger has now got one leg shorter than the other, has terrible scarring and limiled use of his left hand, all because some tw@t decided to overtake on the brow of a hill over double white lines. Combined impact speed of 140mph head on. You will always get these twits on the roads, but taking away everyone else's freedom becazause of the twits isn't the answer in my book. I really hope smoking in cars, eating in cars and all the rest of it isn't banned (no I don't smoke) because it's simply not the solution to the problem. It's a bit like the old more cars more roads ethos, where does it end??LCG485Y.jpg[/attachment:1k1lwc8t]



Well said.


It seems there's a frenzy to ban one thing after the other in this country. Let's put down the Daily Mail for a minute and chill out. :hitler:

i dont believe in the hitler dictatership but the country is full of a lot of plain stupid and senseless people there has to be some laws , and i am sorry but eating in cars while driving , smoking and using a mobile , is plain bloody minded and should have a fine or indorsments attached , we get in our cars to drive not to catch up on phone calls , eat or smoke do it when you stop and try a bit of concentration when driving and there will be a load less accident on our roads ,

sorry if this offends some but there it is

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Then we could ban talking to the driver too, even less accidents then. Then we could ban children in cars because they cause massive distraction, WAY more than eating, that would save even more lives. Then we could ban driving in wet weather, then we could ban driving, not that many people would actually want to drive anymore......As for motorbikes, don't even go there. I don't want my freedom to do what I want to do taken away because some other idiot can't be sensible......

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Then we could ban talking to the driver too, even less accidents then. Then we could ban children in cars because they cause massive distraction, WAY more than eating, that would save even more lives. Then we could ban driving in wet weather, then we could ban driving, not that many people would actually want to drive anymore......As for motorbikes, don't even go there. I don't want my freedom to do what I want to do taken away because some other idiot can't be sensible......

phones require you to let go of the wheel look at them to dial some stupid people even text,

smoking getting the packet removing the ciggy then getting the lighter lighting it then smoking it , eating who gets the food if your on your own you do when you reach down for your crisps etc open them eat them all while driving great,,

your argument kids there belted up why are you distracted by them and still yor hands are on the wheel, driving in the wet ,and as for motorbikes yes speed is an issue there but it lack of concentration by others is the main problem there to, these are not valid arguments nothing of what you said requires you to physicaly alter driving the car

and i am to take it that you object as you do all of the above except smoking because you dont as i read in earlier post , and should we all be alowed to drive around at 100 mph too because thats taking your freedom away we have laws for a reason not all good i admit but we have to have them or the country would be even more of a sh*t hole than it already is

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What I am saying is that new laws to clamp down on every small thing we do in our cars is not the answer to stop people doing stupid things in cars. If the government wanted to save lives as we all do, they would subsidise railways to get them to a good standard, subsidise busses to make them a real alternative, giving people a real alternative to the car, as they do in other European countries to reduce the sheer volume of cars about. But why would they when the car makes them sooooo much money and subsidisation would cost them. When people get so crammed together sensitivity to others increases and tolerance decreases, which is why so many people are so het up about it as you clearly are, and I can understand it. But just 15 years ago people would have thought you were mad to want to ban eating or whatever in cars.


If you seriously think having children in the back fighting each other as all brothers and sisters do is less distracting than lighting a cigarette or eating an apple then you have either not experienced it or seen it.

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my mother would have smacked me and my sister we would not have dared play up in the car but now thats not allowed so kids run riot , so in your defence this is cause by stupid laws ,its meant to stop people beating there kids but that still happens regardless only difference is we now have kids smashing stuff up saying you cant touch me mister i will ring the police , its all about what i said this country sucks

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Cant help but agree you there, it gets worse every day, I seriously consider emigration every time I travel to work/ see an English town on a Friday night :(

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i watch a lot of these uk cop programs and its getting well out of hand worrying is not the word but i think its the whole world going to hell as much as the uk so where do you go , maybe iceland they seem to have a load of automotive fun and there crazy in a good way :D

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Im afraid in the last 20 years, all the "do gooders" "tree huggers" and "politicians" "green people" have shouted and screamed, moaned and groaned, and banged on every parlimentry door to get what they want heard


Unfortunately for "the general public" bent and crooked self admiring Politicians will do or say anything to get a vote! if that means some Three wheeled trike whos never had kids! tells you you cant chastise them when they are naughty and we accept it do we? someone from Belgium says we have cut green house gasses, what by putting up fuel prices? and someone who lives in a moss covered hut in suburb of Milton Keynes tells me i cant go fox hunting!


What has been totally lost sight of is that all these restrictions on rights, rules and regulations dont really need to be brought into being for "normal" people, they are to control the morons, im sorry but most of these so called "ideas" merely convey to the Dullards that they must not do something, where as normal the minority cause the majority to suffer.


What we need is a cull, get rid of every waste of space, every scrounging dosser, every Britain hater.

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Im afraid in the last 20 years, all the "do gooders" "tree huggers" and "politicians" "green people" have shouted and screamed, moaned and groaned, and banged on every parlimentry door to get what they want heard


Unfortunately for "the general public" bent and crooked self admiring Politicians will do or say anything to get a vote! if that means some Three wheeled trike whos never had kids! tells you you cant chastise them when they are naughty and we accept it do we? someone from Belgium says we have cut green house gasses, what by putting up fuel prices? and someone who lives in a moss covered hut in suburb of Milton Keynes tells me i cant go fox hunting!


What has been totally lost sight of is that all these restrictions on rights, rules and regulations dont really need to be brought into being for "normal" people, they are to control the morons, im sorry but most of these so called "ideas" merely convey to the Dullards that they must not do something, where as normal the minority cause the majority to suffer.


What we need is a cull, get rid of every waste of space, every scrounging dosser, every Britain hater.

we should be more like aussies if you want to go into the country its there way if you dont like there rules dont go , and the best bit if you want to live there you have to support yourself for 2 years before there governent even recognises you so no spongers and drop outs unlike this country that will take any tosser in and give them what the hell they want it make me sick i have worked since i was 15yrs old and all i get is taxed on every thing to support the bloody wasters ,

this country is just a big sponge for all the crap , and the have to go through other countrys to get here because they no there on east street when they do it ,makes me sick and angry

rant over

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Totaly agree, unfortunately those that seek to line their own pockets have made a rod for the countrys back now, everyone has eqaulity (apparantly) so it stinks to high heaven if you dont happen to be a, minority ehnic, disabled,transgender, transexual, homosexual, Iraqi, Afghan, or an eastern european Gypsy! as this "equality" dont seem to be balanced, minoritys fought for equal rights, now those "rights" are all we here about and they seem to be getting the lion share and warbling about more!! as thats not quite enough for some of them!


Im NOT a supremecist or a racist, far from it, but all this supreme political correctness and over equality giving and letting all of europes dross land on our doorstep (when most of them are scrounging criminals who left, places like poland, bulgaria, chech republic, as they are known criminals or hated there because of what they are!!) is just causing more and more economic problems, you watch if this country does have another reccesion, these scummers will leave in there droves!! (hopefully!)



Enoc, rant over!

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Mind you, a lot of the Poles etc work really hard, which is more than can be said of many of the british pikeys who spend their whole life claiming.

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i had this email the other day the thread has sort of gone this way

Britain Needs A Leader Like This!










Prime Minister John Howard - Australia





Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.


Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture.. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.'


'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom'



'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!'



'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'



'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'



'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom,






'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'



Maybe if we circulate this amongst ourselves, British citizens will find the backbone to start speaking and voicing the same truths.



If you agree please SEND THIS ON


P.S I think this also goes for us when going to other countries as well!

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Superb and I have to agree with most of it if not all of it.

it would be great if any of our goverment had half as much back bone :?

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Indeed it would mate, this nation is sadly not so great anymore and run by the f'wits that are too damn scared to even think of the same aproach as the auzzies. There really is no wonder so many emmigrate there from england.

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Think he may be forgetting that if your white your an immigrant in Australia and that the fight for freedom did involve a little bit of slavery and genocide. :?

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There is that john but its a preety radical speach and i have to say if that was our president speaking (which it never would be due to all the political correctness brigade) i would feel very proud to be a little more patriotic than i feel about this country at the moment. :?

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Aye if Brown had said it then fair do's.


Just have a problem with Aussies and even more with Americans banging on about freedom, which didn't and still doesn't include the people that are the real indigenous population of either country.


AND, I really hate people that still drive while using mobile phones! :D

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I am of the opinion that:


1. this ever increasing amounts of ridiculous legislation to tell us what we can and can't do, behind the wheel, in the countryside, in the street, behind our own closed front doors etc. is ignored entirely by the idiots it seeks to target.


2. secondly, there's no one to enforce any of it anyway. Where are all the policemen? Doing paperwork at their desks, that's where...because the sha;;ing government demands evermore statistics and league tables for performance measurement. There are no traffic policemen to correct the poor driving we see everyday, the driving mobile phone users, the non-seatbelt wearers and those driving with head/side/tail lights out (..that'[s a real bugbear of mine! :D ). There used to be 24 traffic officers working out of Salisbury police station in Wiltshire. There are now 6! Road safety/highway code enforcement just isn't a priority. :?

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I am of the opinion that:


1. this ever increasing amounts of ridiculous legislation to tell us what we can and can't do, behind the wheel, in the countryside, in the street, behind our own closed front doors etc. is ignored entirely by the idiots it seeks to target.


2. secondly, there's no one to enforce any of it anyway. Where are all the policemen? Doing paperwork at their desks, that's where...because the sha;;ing government demands evermore statistics and league tables for performance measurement. There are no traffic policemen to correct the poor driving we see everyday, the driving mobile phone users, the non-seatbelt wearers and those driving with head/side/tail lights out (..that'[s a real bugbear of mine! :D ). There used to be 24 traffic officers working out of Salisbury police station in Wiltshire. There are now 6! Road safety/highway code enforcement just isn't a priority. :?

your right about the cops you never see a traffic cop, it all gatso cameras and bloody vans just in case you do 4 mph over the speed limit but non of the speed devices stops idiot drivers aaaaargh

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