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Bad Luck Comes In Three's

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Well, what a crap night. tonight started off awesome! but ended up as one of the worst night of my driving life.


I took a few of my friends to Bolton for a few pints and whilst we were driving up the motorway, my grill flew off. I dint realise it at first but when i stopped in Bolton my friend said it had gone, on my way home i found it on the motorway smashed into a million pieces.


Then i went back to pick them up at 3, while dropping each of them off my car ran out of petrol so we had an hour messing around to get some juice!


Here the 'BEST' bit...


Once i got the car filled up i went to my friend house and dropped him off i was parked up on the side of the road and a car came speeding down the road and hit my rear arch. I chased after him and from the driving i knew they were TWOCer's i ended up losing him. When i checked my car i was 'relieved' to find that it had only caused a massive chip which just needs painting. Like my mate said, the speed the him came round the corner 10mm back or to the right it would av been alot worse.


This might not sound all to bad but in the morning i was supposed to be going to Gretna to do a PX with a Merc for my G60.


People always say bad luck comes in 3's... in a way its true in this case but its 4 fold with not being able to do this deal



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I'm glad the damage isn't too bad, and that nobody was hurt during it.


But In my American mind: What is a TWOC? I'm guessing it's kind of the same thing as a DUI (driving under the influence)?

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......... What is a TWOC?..........

Taking Without Owner's Consent


Anyone else would call them simply car thieves, we have to come up with a nice friendly word for scum no more than common criminals, fairly typical for our over PC country.

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