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Disturbing Discovery

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From memory (last one i did was about a year ago) and this is for early dash only, not sure if late is any different.


very carefully remove two plastic covers on lower corners of clock binnacle (black surround around clocks) make sure you are very carefull with them as one side is now obsolete and the clips on them are fragile.


remove two lower screws that where behind the plastic covers.


remove two upper screws (may need a stubby phillips for these).


lower your steering wheel to its lowest possition.


remove binnacle.


remove two screws that hold the clocks in (one either side).


tilt clocks toward you, and unplug any connectors, vacuum pipes, speedo drive cables.


carefully lift clocks up out of the slots either side and remove them, be carefull not to scratch the face of the clocks on the metal surround or snap off the reset button that sticks out, it may help to put a towel across the botom edge of the metal frame to protect them.


remove all silver screws on rear of the clocks, also remove the two screws that attach the blue vacuum sensor module and pull the module off.


carefully release clips around the edges of the clocks and pull the front of the clocks away from the rear.


pull dial faces away from circuit board (the dial faces are just on pin connectors and should seperate quite easily).


remove any screws attaching the PCB to the rear of the clock pod.


unclip PCB from rear of pod and lift out.


remove small screws on rear of PCB that secure the white plastic housings that contain the LCD screen (only do one of the LCD screens at a time to make sure you dont get any of the bits mixed up).


Carefully lift the white housing away with the LCD screen inside.


make note of which way up the screen is as it can be fitted upside down and wont work.


seperate the screen from the rubbery contact strips.


dip a cotton bud in some isopropyl alcohol, or if you haven't got any some lynx spray deoderant or perfume will actually work fine (and make your clocks smell fresh) and wipe it across the tips of the rubber strips, the contacts on the PCB and the contacts on the rear of the LCD screen (the recessed section), wait for it to dry or wipe off any excess with a dry cotton bud.


reassembly is the reverse of the above.


enjoy your working clocks and get depressed at how many MPG your MFA tells you your doing.

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