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Matt GTi

Picking it up tomorrow!

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I'm off to get my VR tomorrow morning, and I can't wait. Managed to get it for £5000, £500 off the asking price, in order to get all the minor body work parts sorted.

I can't wait, I feel like a kid on christmas eve!


Here she is. A beauty if you ask me!



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Looks lovely mate!


I hate had my VR6 for one week now and I have not regretted it one little bit. :D

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GDP? looks nice mate, just hope ist not going to cost you the GDP of a smal country to run & maintain!!


regardless your going to enjoy it tho.... i mean what is there not to enjoy about a C?!!! :D

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I have just got back from driving it almost all day. The K + N really makes a stunning noise when you push the volume peddle! I'm gonna post some pics when the weather improves, and it is clean. On the way back from collecting it I was driving through some road works on a national speed limit road, and as it went from 30 to 70 again there were some guys doing a bit of roadworks, so i dropped it in to second a nailed it. The missus, who was following me, said they were all looking and cheering with there arms in the air! Obviously C fans!

One thing i have noticed though is that the clutch peddle seems to stick a bit now and then. Is this likely to just be the peddle itself needing a bit of oil?

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One thing i have noticed though is that the clutch peddle seems to stick a bit now and then. Is this likely to just be the peddle itself needing a bit of oil?


sounds more like the hydraulic clutch having a "wee" problem......haven't experienced it on my Storm yet(fingers-crossed i won't)....but had it happen in both my 944 turbo and ur-quattro.....in the 944 it was down to the fact the clutch master cylinder was leaking.......all over the lovely beige carpets too :cry: and with the ur-quattro it was a hairline crack in the clutch fluid reservoir which when it went down to a certain level meant the clutch pedal would stick to the floor and not come back up unless i hooked it up with my foot



best to check your fluid level...........its also the same reservoir for your brakes btw

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I doesn't always do it though, that's the thing. If it does stick, it's when changing gear quick, and it's about half an inch from the top, and holds it there for literally a split second?

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Could well be a sticky peddle, it's worth having a quick look at it to make sure before you start going into the plumbing side of the clutch...


If you think about it, it's easy to contaminate the peddle box with muck off your shoes which could cause a stiff spot... :?

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OK, got some pics of it. They were taken in the rain, so the interior is slightly wet in the front, and there is rain on the lens for the rear seats. I haven't had chance to clean it yet either.







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i just love that colour combo 8) ............and its pretty rare too



looks like you 've got a good'un there matt :wink:

all it needs is lowered a bit and that'll make it look even better.......you got any mods planned for it?

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I want to keep it as standard as possible. I love the speedlines as well, so won't be changing them anytime soon. I may lower it in the future, but as I haven't seen how it handles in the dry yet, I don't know if it needs it or not.

There are a few bits that need to be sorted in the new year, if you look at the first pic on the rear arch, you can make out a dent, below the petrol cap, that needs to be done. All of the arches need something dong to them, and the rear panel next to the corrado badge, there is a tiny bit of rust. Got it priced at £500, which is the amount the guy knocked off the price to get that work done. That's being done January time. Once that is all done, it will be pristine.

I have got to take it to a garage tomorrow though as it is losing water. I think it's the connection from the top hose to the radiator that is leaking, as there is water running down it. I think the tappets or the tensioners may need doing as well, as on tickover you can hear something that sounds like tappets.

I have noticed it takes ages for the screens, and side windows to clear, and a couple of times the front screen has had condensation on it, but the interior is dry all round. There is always a strip up the middle of the screen that will not fully clear, where the speaker is situated.

I can't get enough of the roar when you get it wound up, and it is unbelievably quite when you want it to be.

Thanks to all the people who have helped me out with advice etc, especially Henny, and Cliveyp, (I think it was them), who pointed me in the direction of this forum.

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I want to keep it as standard as possible.


:p :lol: :lol: :lol: famous last words matt............thats what i was planning on doing too

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I intend to keep it as Karman intended nick, just like yours. The only thing I will keep changed, is the K + N induction kit. The noise is out of this world. Your car looked stunning by the way Nick.

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you clutch pedal could be sticking on your mats. If my mats slide forward a bit then the pedal seems to stick for a moment then releases. Took me a while to find the cause.


The other possibility is that the pedal is catching on the lower dash shelf if it hasn't been fitted quite right as the clearance is quite tight. If so try loosening all the screws, adjust and then re-tightening

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Cheers mate! What Tattie_G60, says rings a bell. When I first bought mine, I thought I had the same prob as you but it turned out that my clutch pedal was catching on the mat - which wasn't being secured.

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Matt, looks lovely mate, I had a look at one in that colour when I was on the hunt for a rado...


Very nice :D


Welcome to corrado ownership... :D

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