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cold start not giving in

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I have a 2.0 16 V rado , it seams as if the choke is sticking after it warms up, on tick over i get 2.5 k revs even after 30 miles :( , clean my ISV? maybe a new air filter , any thing more I should do?



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thx for the none help, I fixed it now :D




To be fair you did only give the forum 6 hours ;)


I assume it was the ISV in the end?

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yeah Its was the ISV , the black thing , Si I took it off and cleaned it with brake cleaner (not the best but all i had) can't used this to leave it with the isv in it . i need some carb cleaner me thinks :)


I got right into fixing that job yesterday , still giveing me jip reving at 1.25 k now witch is a hole lot better 8) .


I cant seam to get the search working on here to well , is there a gide?


it was 1 hour yanards lol not 6 it would of been well dark by then , i sorted it in an hour and other bits i found not cliped up right


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ok a bit of an update , found the prob the TB needed cleaning it was sticking open a bit .

oiled it up too



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