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Amplifier positioning

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Hi. I know this topic has been covered many times but i was wondering if anyone has every put there amps under the rear bench? I know there isn't much air circulation under there but has anyone ever done it with sucess? I dont really want them on show and I REALLY need my boot space!!!


Surely it's just the same as putting them under a false floor in the boot?

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If you mean actually sitting the foam rear seats on top of the amps they will probably overheat and shut off or fail completely and may even melt the foam, with a false floor they will still have a bit of air circulation and most people running a false floor would add a couple of fans to help with the air circulation, it also entirely depends of the amplifier and the load, i have seen amplifiers being thrashed in free air that you could fry an egg on and others that stay pretty much cold, what amplifiers are they?

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one is a JL audio 250watt mono for my sub and the other is an infinity 250w for my front components. They wont be gettin thrashed but i suppose they will be getting hot still though.

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Don't put an amp there mate, asking for trouble, it will get hot etc. An amp doesn't exactly take up a great deal of bootspace. Some people fit them under the front seats which would be marginally better than the rear seats as there is a slight airgap.

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well i've decided I'm gonna make a false floor now. Any tips or how to's?


I also need an audioscape box for a 10" sub so if anyone has one give us a shout!!! I just haven't got the 200quid audioscape want for a new one.

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I've put the amp for my front speakers/tweeters in the passemger footwell. It's got a proper board affair across it lifting the carpet a bit to allow air circulation and I've never had any probs. It's an old kenwood bridged to 2x80w rms with a built in fan and thermal cutout which has never had to cutout since i moved it there. With car-mats fitted people don't even notice it's there.

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Hello mate, on with this job at the moment, as I'm leaving out the rear seats and putting an amp and CD changer in the space under a false floor. A bit drawn out at the moment waiting for different bits to be delivered.


If you use the search there is a few previous posts with hints a tips, especially from Dinkus, (on the ice side of things), & Benkitcher, (whose further along in fitting a false floor, side pods, etc),






Alternatively the Haynes ICE Manual has a 'how to to' section on doing this in the boot with a false floor, adding a fan, etc. Most of its a bit 'chavy' but not many other alternatives and it does have decent pics. :(


Hope this helps.

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Why don't you try this :)


http://www.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewto ... 93&start=0


If you put a small sub box in with the angle of the rear about the same as the angle on the rear seat and then a panel in front of it then you can fix your amps to the back of the panel then access them with the rear seat backs down. I've also made up side panels and not had to fix the panels to anything. You lose hardly any space in the boot this way.

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