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Desperate For Work Much!

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Had a phone call from Vauxhall today about the missus Corsa!


Just so you know the situation, it was serviced (by them) 2-3 weeks ago and they advised that the front disks/pads had 8,000-9,000 miles left.


Woman comes on the phone and the conversation went like this;



"Hi, it's Sarah from Vauxhall, I'm ringing you to offer you a free brake check as we had an advisory saying yours were getting low at your service, approx 1,000 miles left which is quite dangerous!"


'Really! Why have I got a piece of paper saying that they have 8-9k left on them which you filled in 2 weeks ago when it was serviced?'


"Well we thought we'd best ring because you could have reached the limit on them, it says here 1,000 miles"


'What? Do you think my wife has done 8,000 miles in 2 weeks? Or perhaps gone to Oulten Park and done a few laps in her 1.0litre?'


"It's just a free check to tell you how much is left on your brakes, and according to my computer you've got 1,000 miles left, 100% certain."


'So you're wanting me to bring the car to you so you can tell me how much is left on them?'




'and according to your computer I definately have only 1,000 miles left'




'So why would I want a free check when your so sure I've 1,000 miles left?'


"So we can check."


'So you're not sure theres 1,000 miles left?'




'So I ask again, why do I need a free check if you're sure theres only 1k on them?'


"Just so we can be sure!"


'So you're not 100% certain then otherwise I wouldn't need a free brake check!!!'


"We like to offer our services to all our customers with something as important as this"


'Ok! Well we don't need them "checking" as theres 8-9k left on them as witnessed by your technicians 2-3 weeks ago and by myself last week!'


"I'd get them checked by a professional if I were you"


'You're not listening, there were checked by YOUR professionals 2 weeks ago!'


"A lot can happen in 2 weeks!"


'What 8-9k miles!!'




I assure you theres 8-9k left on them, I checked them myself


"Are you a professional?"


No, are you?


"I'm not a mechanic, no"


So who's right then? Me and YOUR professional mechanics or you and your non-professional computer?


"Well it says 1,000 miles here!" (She was getting shirty by this point!)


'And does it have the last service listed on there?'




'What does that say?'


"Intermediate service, cost £xxx, recommended brake cable change and brake disks/pads in 8-9k miles"


'So not 1,000 then?'


"Erm.... no.... errr"


'So what have we learned today then!'






She hung up! :lol:


I mean FFS! Imagine them ringing an old person up (or a mech useless woman) and saying all that, of course they'd believe them and pay for something doing! Your brake disks are dangerous!!!! This is from a main dealer as well!


Rant over!

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Don't shoot the messenger :D


The girl who called you was presented with duff info and was acting accordingly, factor in the fact that shes probably had sod all training and you have a recipe for a vague / wishy washy message being presented to you.


Most vehicles at main franchised dealers will have a health check completed on them to identify red (immediate attention required) and amber (mid term) work identified. Its certainly not uncommon for the information provided to the customer being different to that recorded on the vehicles record sheet - it shouldn't happen but it does.

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Don't shoot the messenger :D


The girl who called you was presented with duff info and was acting accordingly, factor in the fact that shes probably had sod all training and you have a recipe for a vague / wishy washy message being presented to you.


Most vehicles at main franchised dealers will have a health check completed on them to identify red (immediate attention required) and amber (mid term) work identified. Its certainly not uncommon for the information provided to the customer being different to that recorded on the vehicles record sheet - it shouldn't happen but it does.

Still makes a cracking read :lol:

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:lol: Id have loved to have heard that in person! Good stuff Andy.


Though i guess its back round to what i said in a another thread recently. But I personally cant help but feel dealers will tell you pretty much anything to get you to bring your car into them.

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Part of the problem is the fact that car dealers nowadays are making very little profeit on new/ used car sales as competition is so intense from the likes of car land etc. So they now have to try and claw back every penny they can from aftersales 'service' and so on, this is a prime example of that. Its also part of the reason why main dealers charge such extortionate hourly rates for their services. This does make for an amusing read as well!

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