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advice needed by new owner!

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I decided to upgrade cars recently and did so a little naively knowing little about cars but smitten by the corrado. Went for a 2litre 16valve as seemed most appropriate for me. Since I have had it I've found a few little faults (spoiler goes up at 60 but doesnt come down, one of the speakers doesnt work...) but since having passengers in the back I've found that when accelerating or going round corners there is a grinding noise from the back left wheel arch. I dont think the car has been lowered, at least it doesnt look like it has. It just sounds like suspension isnt strong enough and its scraping on something in the suspension. Was wondering if the wheel arch was scraping on the wheel but I think it's in the suspension somewhere..... Is that possible? Is there anything I should check? Are there any parts I could replace?


Also any other tips on things I should check on the vehicle or books I should read/get/advice would be much appreciated!

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Does the spolier not go down when you slow right down to about 5 mph?? Speaker problem id say check the connection in the door card and then have a look at the back of the radio..


Grinding in rear arch.. If your not sure if its been lowered post up a picture, its unlikely to be rubbing unless it has been decked on some big wheels. Id say more likely your brakes are grinding or a wheel bearing.. Might be worth jacking the back of the car up and spinning the wheel by hand and having a closer listen...


Good luck and welcome...

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Regarding the scraping problem, I've encountered a similar problem before, I had three, shall we say, large friends in the car, I think there was over 30 stone in the back being 2 mates and if I went over some bumps a bit too fast I would hear the rear wheels in the wheel arches. Because it only happens with friends in the car I would consider it being a weak suspension unit aswell as other suggestions, if one has gone then you're best off replacing at least both the rear units, but I'd recommend replacing all four.


If you can find out when the suspension units were last replaced that would give you a good idea as to whether they're due for replacement in the near future. I.e., if they've never been done, they probably should be by now!


Do you mean that the spoiler never comes down or it just doesn't come down as soon as you go under 60 mph? When you say it goes up at 60 mph I imagine that it does come down eventually for you to know it works at 60! The spoiler won't come back down until you go under about 15 mph. I thought it was a little strange at first but then you realise the spoiler would be working overtime if it just operated using the 60 mph as a trigger point, which would result in a large amount of spoiler motor sales.

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If you can find a solution to the spoiler please share it. I have the exact opposite of yours, or at least had it until it stopped working entirely :lol:


I second the weak suspension. It's possible that the bearing could be bad as well, both in the wheel and in the suspension, but I think if it was the suspension you would hear it more often than when you just had passengers in the back. I would also try to lift it up and spin the wheel by hand.

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Thanks for all your help, the advice is very much appreciated. The spoiler never comes down, i have to remember to use the button to put it down when i'm getting out of the car. Think it may just be that the suspension is weak as it happens when even only two people in the car, just on one side something scraping when going round corners but sure it's not the wheel on the wheel arch. Will see if there's a garage local to take it to...... If i did have to change the suspension is this an expensive process? Be a bit of a shame but doing up a house in devon and live in guildford so will be lugging heavy items back and forth so would like to make sure the scraping is fixed. Speaking of which can i get a roofrack for the corrado? Wouldnt want it on all the time obviously but would came in useful.


Also, and I know this sounds incredibly dumb, but i'm having a little trouble operating the rear windscreen wiper! Can get it to operate when pushing the arm away when it sprays the windscreen but how do i get it on normal? Only ever driven old mini's before and so never had a rear windscreen wiper!


thanks again.......

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Thanks....... Should have worked that one out really! Also i've got a whole from a stone chip in what of the headlights. Went through MOT ok but got lots of condensation on the inside. Is there anywhere I can get a replacement lens or do I have to replace the whole unit? Similar with one of the foglights too, although that's only cracked. What sort of money am i looking at?

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Fair enough, my knowledge on spoilers is now exhausted having never really looked at mine before. I do know that it operates on the speedometer because when mine temporarily didn't work, neither did the spoiler. As soon as it started working again, so did the spoiler.


It is possible to replace just the lens. I know you can get a new one from GSF for about £30, not sure about dealer prices. However if you are happy with 2nd hand you might be able to get one from a scrappy for half the price. A new headlight from the dealer would be expensive, I don't know how much but I would imagine at the very least £75, 2nd hand could be £30-£40, have a look on here. Buying a 2nd hand unit you might end up only using a few parts from it, the reflective silver coating is sometimes damaged and spoils the look of the headlight a bit. Don't try to clean the inside of the headlight with a wet rag, it does wipe the silver coating off, I know from experience!

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The Corrado has bump stops fitted on the rear so if it still has the standard 15 inch wheels there should be no way that the rear wheel(s) can rub the arches or chassis.


However....if you have oversized wheels (i.e 17 inch or greater) or wheels with the incorrect offset...then it's possible the wheels will rub.

Only other thing i can think of is that the bump stops have perished and disintegrated.

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Apparently ive been told it's because the non-standard exhaust is hitting against the heat shield. Makes an awful noise when accelerating but apparently isnt doing too much harm and is 'more of a nuisance' than a hazard. Cheers for all the help tho, now it's not going because it isnt firing and there's nothing getting passed the ignition coil so i'll change that next and fingers crossed that'll do the job. If not i'm stuck.

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