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arch rubbbbbbing

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Hi ive only had my corrado a few weeks but have took it upon my self to completley ruin it. Not only have i fitted some coilovers but just bought a brand spangly new set of borbets with 9's out back.


The problem is; i vastly underestimated how much they were going to rub at a reasonable ride height, and to stop this i may have to jack the rear up a bit which will look awful.


Ive seen numerous corrados running 9's a lot lot lower than mine and this is half the reason i bought a corrado if im honest , i think they look awesome low on wide rims. It seems i need to roll the arches, bout how, who and where can i get this done, ive got no idea at all. I live in Salisbury, Wiltshire which is kind of near southampton and bournemouth.


Any advice or reccomendations of who / how im gunna get this done would be well well well well appreiciated


cheers and nice forum



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You'll need to get your arches seriously rolled/stretched to get 9's on the back and still have it low. Speak to South coast wheels in Southampton, they'll probably know someone who can do it for you.

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crikey in honesty ive seen so man with 9's on the back i didnt think it would be too bad!!


Ive found a place i poole called "creative colour workshop" which are going to modify them to take the wheels. I just hope it doesnt lead to me doing paint work cause i promised my self this would be a mega low budget project for the summer :shock:

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sorry to tell ya but you will most probably need some paint as even when only rolling arches the paint normally cracks when the lip is rolled up

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You'll need to get your arches seriously rolled/stretched to get 9's on the back and still have it low. Speak to South coast wheels in Southampton, they'll probably know someone who can do it for you.


DITTO! Was just about to mention them. I've not been down to see them for years, last time I know they were based next to the train station in town but I think they might have moved now?

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They may well have gone, I haven't been to Southampton for years.....Just did a quick google, sounds as if they went bust :( Perhaps dont try them then....

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Any decent bodyshop should be able to fold the inner lip for you, i had mine done the old fashioned way by a panel beater, all folded waxed and sealed, i had paint at the same time though and as said you usually getting cracks even if heat is used, if you want to go really low you will need the arches pulled out aswell


mine isnt lowered at the moment :roll: and i have 9j Borbets all round, looking at the angles and rear arch clearance i now have as long as i dont go too low it wil be ok, i wont be going mad with the drop anyway as its a daily and my main "family" car.

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ok i made a make shift arch roller and folded the lip, but my rears are still rubbing on about a 2" drop, ive decided this is primarily due to the fact i bought some cheap ebay coilovers which are way too soft for the job, Ive now decided my options are;


1. Get some decent rear coilovers or use std shocks with lowering springs and run on the bump stops.


2. make some bump stops for my gash coilovers


3. pay a pannel beater to actually pull the arches


4. sell my lovely deep borbets 9js and buy the same ones as the front for the rear.


I really really really wanna run 9's out back but at what cost im not to sure. I was only intending on lowereing the corrado and running some nice wheels on her. But i can see my self getting sucked into a project.


what would you do?

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isnt really gonna help you but put a pic up of your car that low, and take a pic of the rolling you have had done, mine isnt going immensly low but i wanna know how low i can go lol

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