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My car is on ebay again already....

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Why the hell did you sell it with a stereo in the first place dude? :cuckoo: :lol:


Go on. You know you want it.

Or buy a tidy valver instead.

Just get another flipping 'rado! 8)

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I knew it was my car just from seeing the tiny little picture beside the listing. I'd spot those dark fogs anywhere (they're dark cos they're full of cr@p by the way :lol: ) and just got this strange gutting feeling. The thing is I've been in my new job a couple of months now (and radoless for about six) and I could easily afford to run it properly and do some work on it. Like the respray I always had planned.... :D Buuuuuutttttt, all the money I've saved by not running a G60 backwards and forwards to Ipswich every day, and the marked increase in my disposable income recently has got me thinking about what I could afford if I save for a year or so on top of what I have already. I reckon I'll easily catch up with early mk5 GTI prices by this time next year AND own the thing outright. But then it's just not a rado is it?


I'm in a really lucky position at the moment I guess. I have a company car that in all is costing me about 100 squids a month, I don't have to worry about insurance or tax or servicing or anything like that. I need to make the most of this opportunity. It is killing me not having a dub though. This is gonna be the hardest show season ever! But I do need to stop whining like a little tw@t and look forward to what I could be getting next year.

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Yes just get a Rado and forget the stupid idea of the rocco you have in your head, buy a proper car :norty:

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I dont think the blokes gonna win any paint awards for that attempt @ bodywork :nuts:

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I dont think the blokes gonna win any paint awards for that attempt @ bodywork :nuts:


There's a reason why I sell cars for a living and not fix them! :lol: It was just a spray can job. I didn't see the point in getting it done pro when I always planned to get it resprayed. Obviously never happened though....


Yes just get a Rado and forget the stupid idea of the rocco you have in your head, buy a proper car :norty:


Hmmmm.... What you are saying makes great sense to me. I know I won't buy that one back. There are much nicer ones out there that I could spend my money on. I'd only be buying it for sentimental reasons which would be bad. It's got to be a black VR with a recent rebuild and low-lowish miles if do get another. I'm just thinking how nice a VR sounds with the windows down on a summers day at full throttle in second.... :luvlove:

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