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Cheapmods G60 Project - 1.8T or G60??

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That look's pretty stealth (except the rims! :lol:)


I saw a matt black C on the Vortex the other day. Made me dribble a bit :oops: :)

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What the "some C**t has nick me wheels!" look? :lol:


Nah, that primer looks good but i think you'll be happier once you put a lick of paint on her... it just looks good because the paint is all one colour again!


Nice thread by the way, your really sticking in the effort :thumb right:


Thanks for noticing the effort!


And you're prpbably right about me liking it just being all one color... I am usually one to love that nice glossy shine of a freshly painted car, but the falt black just looks mean 8) as for the wheels, they really stand out!


I think i'll leave it this way for a bit before i make a true decision on what to do, but flat black may be its future...


Maybe i'll keep it that way till the g-lader gives up the ghost & put on some gloss when i turbo it :norty:

(^ don't mind my rant i'm a bit :cuckoo: . I mean talking about a turbo when i can't even get the 1st engine finished :nono: )


baby step...baby steps...

I am gonna make a commitment to do SOMETHING on my C everyweek, no matter how small. I can't let it get forgotten and fall wayside... Hold me to that guys!

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no no updates yet again, but I've been toying with a new idea...


A buddy of mine has a totalled out Audi TT 225 that he picked up for cheap. The only problem on it is the head is basically FUBAR... He said for $1000USD I have have my way with it & take whatever I need off of it to do the sawp into my rado. My question to you guys is basically, is it worth it?? I mean the obvious answer is HECK YES because who doesn't like 1.8T modability and quattro AWD action.


My dilema is that I've spend so much time acquiring G60 parts that i've really grown to like the idea of the stupidly unreliable G lader. Should I wait & see this thing thru or say screw it and go 1.8T??


Please help me out guys!!

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Only updates I have are all talk :roll: haha


Basically, I found out more info on the swap process. I also found out that my buddy has 1 complete TT225 and 1 complete engine. The 225 car had a messed up head, but the rest is strong. The spare engine needs new main and rod bearings. So between the 2 that's one complete package :nuts:


Unfortunately, I also found out that my buddy doesn't "own" the TT 225 yet, but that should be sorted quite soon. As far as my G60 Project bits, they're all up for grabs. I'm doing a conditional sale until I find out that I'll be able to get enough money from those parts to fund my 20vt Haldex swap.... This is driving me crazy!!


I'm so stoked at the possibility that this might actually happen, but if it turns out that I can't pull off the sales to fund it... :cry: I'll be quite sad. :cuckoo:



Also worth noting, i think anyway, is that i've found a source for most of the parts I'll need to swap in the haldex setup. Here in the states we didn't get all the nifty synco cars, so I had to source a passat syncro setup from Canada.


The plan is to cut out the Corrado's rear floor, and weld in the passat rear floor, bolt in the gas tank, bolt up the rear beam and contol arms, and figure the rest out :shrug:


still doing research, so if anyone can help out, i'm all ears :salute:

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Yes, the car is still apart and on stands, just as I left it, but I have been making slow yet steady progress on her.


Here's a few pics to show some of the pieces I've been refreshing as of late




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