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Am I going mad? (standard alarm question)

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Recently when using the keyfob to lock my Corrado, I've noticed that the indicators flash 3 times. Is this normal? :?


I might be going mad, but I'm sure it used to flash only twice?!


It still flashes the usual once when I unlock.


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Ok, now I feel really stupid!


I've moved the slider and it only flashes twice again!


What on earth is the slider on the keyfob for?! :D

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Think it's to have the option of turning on the interior sensors or not, but sorry can't remember which is which :)

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i did the same once, but the button had slid to halfway, so not on any mode, and car wouldn't lock but fob would flash.


spent ages with the manuals trying to work out what had happened :lol: now i know the alarm quite well

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Wait till the fob unpairs itself with the alarm, and it's your only fob... the procedure for fixing that couldn't get any more voodoo if you started hoping around on one foot and chanting!! :lol:

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the fob only flashes to show that it has battery life left, just as your telly remote can flash to say "my battery is working". It doesn't bear any resemblance to whether it is locking / unlocking the car unless you are in visual range and can see the car at the time. I can press my fob now and it won't do a thing to my car parked outside.

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