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Bog Standard VR6

Corrado - Classic or Customise?

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For me, personally, nice clean original and untouched. It's a VR6, its one of the last made and to be honest people are chopping them up and breaking them left right and centre at the minute. Genuinely well loved and original Corrado's are really few and far between.


If it was me, with my car and my money, totally standard (bar some sensible modifications like good suspension) and nice and clean would be all I wanted from a VR6.


That's not intended to dismiss the cars that people have modified - there are some awesome supercharged / smoothed / otherwise fettled cars on this forum, but I personally have always loved the Corrado as it was made. To see a car like KIPVW's completely standard totally immaculate VR6 is just as exciting to me as something like cheesewires 400BHP VR turbo :)

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My car is completely standard and so far all my money has been spent on getting it into better standard condition, such as sorting out bits of bodywork, replacing various bits and pieces.


Having said that mine is only a 1990 valver, so keeping it standard probably wont make any difference at all to its value

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Prefer the classic look, lowered a bit so it doesn't look like a hi-lux, but not so low that you remove most of the underseal when you encounter a speed bump. The Corrado looks so good in standard form that it doesn't really need much else (maybe I'm a bit biased???)


Thought about selling mine about a year and half ago (and if you look at current values maybe that would have been the right thing to do!), but in the end decided to put the money I would have added to the sale price for another car and use it to fit a turbo. Best decision ever, love it.


Still love the reaction it gets from people. The MOT tester complemented me today on how its as clean underneath as it is on top, even thought I'd fitted a new petrol tank! Chufties here I come :D

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i think Goldies is the perfect example of how i think a corrado should be


as 100% standard i think they do look a bit strange, sit very high, a bit cluttered and the orange lighting always makes them look a old.

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Thanks for those comments Jim very kind of you.


I guess it really is a personal taste thing and weather its a standard looking 16v like skinnymans, a very slightly modded car like MK1campaigns and Goldies or indeed a complete road ripping engine transplant like cheese wire's or crazy dave's then its totally up to you, my choice is obviously the standard look and i even love not like LOVE the orange side repeaters Lol! I think they speak volumes looking as they were when they left the factory but thats just my oppinion and most certainly doesn't mean I dislike any that are moddified.


Two of my fave looking cars are Goldies and MK1campaigns which are both tastfully modded but i guess standard will always age better as mods and wheel types go out of fashion so in years to come then a standard car is always going to be respected no matter how old fashioned it is, as indeed in a few years time the Corrado is going to be called old fasioned and at the same time A CLASSIC.


I love mine dearly and dont ever want to sell it but then you never know whats around the corner.


I think what i'm trying to say is that if you can afford to keep it then do with it what you like as you are the one who has to drive/own it so enjoy it whatever it is :)

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Thanks for the replies - it sounds like there is still good demand/desire for unmodified cars then. I'm probably a little bit more tempted to keep mine then, once my TT comes. But I'm still in the situation of not having space to keep it, so that may force me to sell - unless I can install a set of hydraulic garage ramps and turn my garage into a double decker .... :lol:


Now would I want my C hanging above my brand new TT???? :gag:


At least I still have a few months to decide .......... and a nice decision to have, I admit.



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Im very flattered with the nice comments..


I think the Corrado is a stunner in standard from and admire thos who keep them standard,particularly at show level, its easy to buy fancy wheels etc to hide behind so to me extra credit should be paid to these people - Kip, Judith, Drew, Chris Gaskell etc..


When it comes to my car i try to go for things that dont age, drastic modificatiosn are the ones that are 'fashion' and therefore become dated. A good example is Mk2 Golfs, 10 years ago smoothing the rear number plate and refitting it to the bumper was in, now it looks aweful whereas simple and small touches like loosing orange lights and lowering will always work. Wheels come and go but 20 bolts isnt a major job although when my special wheels land later this year it will take something incredible to replace them.


For anyone asking modify or not its up to you, do whatever is going to make you enjoy the car to drive and look at, reversible mods are always a safe bet but some permenant ones chosen wisely will be fine...

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