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VagCom Help

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I ve had a few problems with my new raddo over the last week. I plugged my vagcom into it and these are the results... the only problem is it all means nothing to me ha

any help or info would be great!


Chassis Type: 50 - VW Corrado

Scan: 01,02,03,08,15,25



Address 01: Engine

Controller: 021 906 258 AG

Component: MOTOR PMC 1

Coding: 0261203109

Shop #: 1267357531

4 Faults Found:

00533 - Idle Speed Regulation

10-00 - Adaptation Limit Not Reached

00525 - Shareware Version. To Decode all DTCs

03-10 - Please Register/Activate - Intermittent

00537 - Shareware Version. To Decode all DTCs

11-10 - Please Register/Activate - Intermittent

00513 - Engine Speed Sensor (G28)

03-00 - No Signal

Readiness: N/A



Address 03: ABS Brakes

Controller: ABS /ED S

Note: Excessive Comm Errors

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i just realised there is a vag-com thread on the fourm. Just looked at the pictures of the port next to the gear shift... i have a 16 pin ODB2 port on a 1994 early type raddo vr6. is this normal or has my car been buggered about with at some point in its life. The reason why im looking at my vagcom is beacuse the other day when i was crusing at 40mph and i lost all power for about 20 seconds. i was stamping on the throttle and nothing was happening. My friend was was in the car at the time noticed the ABS light was on while i had no power. I also, in all the rain we had this week gained a rather large puddle in the passenger footwell and in the rear. Not sure if its from a random hole in the body some wehre or a knackered heater matrix but there was alot of water there. I have also read soem where that the ABS ECU is in the passenger footwell on the side, im starting to wonder if this has been affected by the mass of water. Yesterday the ABS light came on again, i thought it could of been a sensor i cracked while replacing the suspension, that has now been replaced but the light is still on. Please can some one tell me whats going on as im quite worried. thanks

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Reset the faults, then see which ones come back. Also, don't even bother scanning for faults if the engine is stopped, you'll just keep seeing "engine speed sensor: no signal" otherwise.


As for total loss of power .. would suggest you start looking at the ignition switch and ECU relays ..

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ok thanks. i will get them reset and see whats happening then. I have an idle problem any way so im trying to find the case of that. some times its hangs about 800 rpm or sometimes at 1000.

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