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What lump could i build up from...

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Just passive thinking really...


So obviously the corrado is a G60, so i have everything g60 wise :lol:


But ive also got a kr 16v lump but with no inlet manifold, it was running in my mk1 on carbs.


Ive got a supersprint mk1 16v exhaust manifold too.


Now the thing is, ive had a 3 year running problem with the g60, and tbh id just like to get rid of the bottom end thats in there...


What can be concocted from what ive got? I think the obvious answer is 16v g60?


Ive got some 45 weber carbs too, but they will probably be used elsewhere.



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I think you've answered your own question there. 16v G60 seems the sensible option...of course you could go 16v turbo ;)

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I suppose so Stu :lol:


I assume using the whole 16v lump is best but with custom pistons? Or audi s2? pistons...


Mmmmm, 16v G60 or 16v on carbs for simplicity...


Guess ill do some reading up :) But its just at the back of my mind really.

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s2 pistons or stacked gaskets would be the cheaper option (although s2 pistons would be better), that combined with an s2 inlet manifold with one runner cut off and slightly modded to clear the charger. You can still run the digifant management too IIRC.

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I guess so...Could always change the loom i suppose...


Bit unsure on direction with the corrado now tbh :? I think ive had enough of g60's all together in all honesty!



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Dosne like turbo's Stu :nono: :lol: Never been a fan of the way they drive...


Mmmm...Just been thinking about abf lumps :nuts: on carbs...Fuel in !!! bang !!! fuel out !!!


No messing :lol:


Any threads on here re:Abf lumps into corrado's? I know the 9a is the simple option, but if i were to end up building an engine from scratch, id prefer the abf really.


Neil. :D

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Neil there is indeed an ABF thread on here and i'm not gonna point you to it! :nono:


the search is still an ally in the war against laziness...

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Dosne like turbo's Stu :nono: :lol: Never been a fan of the way they drive...



Neil. :D


What turbo engines do you draw that conclusion from mate?

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Few different ones really mate :) Anything from renault 5 turbo's,1.8t's,and the most powerful car ive ever driven...my mates 455 brake horse 2wd sierra cosworth...Shame he sold that, was a cracking motor. 8)


Neil there is indeed an ABF thread on here and i'm not gonna point you to it! :nono:


the search is still an ally in the war against laziness...


I found it using the all elusive search :D

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Based on those engines i can see why you draw that conclusion tbh.

I think I know where you are going with that Si. Both the Renault and Sierra probably had very aggressive boost and if the 1.8t was standard, then probably couldn't tell it was turbo'd as they are a little 'boring' in standard trim! Neil, I think it might be worth you having a go in a G60 turbo and 16v turbo. Both different, but as long as they don't run silly boost, you might find that they are almost as progressive as a charger, if boost control is set up right...

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