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spoiler goes up and down but not in one movement - theory

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hello people - i have searched this on the forum and have found references to it but as yet no fix.


i have the issue of the spoiler going up and down in stages - both when activated automatically and manually. so far, touch wood, its not blowing fuses. Also the motor doesn't sound like its straining. also the stages seem very repeatable - i.e it always goes up to the same point - stops then carries on to full extension (same on the way back down though the point it stops is different from on the way up). At the point it stops there is an audible click of a switch. Sometimes the spoiler will work perfectly normally - and when it does there are no under load type noises.


i'm guessing there must be switches in the mech in the bootlid that tells the motor to stop and start based on the position of the spoiler. i think these may be the problem - either getting jammed or have become loose. is my theory right and if so does any know (better yet have a picture of) where those switches are. many thanks in advance.

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i'd say perhaps look at the raising/lowering mech. perhaps some of it is loose and causing a dead spot in the middle of travel?

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These symptoms usually point to the 2 metal tubes connecting the motor mechanism to the spoiler being gummed up inside. Means taking the spoiler mechanism out and apart (not nice - takes a couple of hours), then take it all apart. Clean it, grease it and put it back together :D

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