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Clutch issues - bit of a weird one...

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I've used the search for "clutch and pedal and floor" and can't seem to find exactly the same symptoms as what my G seems to be having.


The clutch is staying on the floor in first and second gears if it's held down for more than a couple of seconds but otherwise (changing in to first and second quickly instead of sitting on the pedal) will work as normal and is working perfectly fine when changing to third, fourth and fifth. It's going in to be looked at on Thursday (as anything more mechanical than changing split pipes, spark plugs and leads I'm completely useless at :( ) and i'd like an idea from you knowledgeable bunch about what might be the cause before I take it in.


All sensible suggestions are appreciated :D

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I had this one.


it will be either your master or slave cylinder.

It was the slave on mine.


Try another search using clutch+pedal+slave+cylinder etc etc


May the force be with u...



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