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What are features of a proper "Storm" apart from Leather

A/C, highline wheels, specific colours?

plaques that say so.....instead of Karman?







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sorry lads...just saw the sticky post at top about it :oops:


Anyhow, I can get an M reg, Classic Green, 66k, Blk Lthr, no A/C

BUT, it is on the VCAR as a Cat C, not a horrible car, but has had

lots of paint, doubt if NE1 would want it, but it will be priced accordingly?

Not my cup of tea normally, but it is a rare thing, and everything has a price.




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I presume you now have your answer to the original questions?


I'm sure if you price it accordingly, someone will take it off your hands.


Just how cheap can you get it?

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well I don't have an exact figure, only a rough idea, will find out on Monday.

However, if I said £3k ish?....what would u guys think on that??, I know I can't steel it from the Main Agent where its from, there a shrewed bunch.


We all know the prices, so just some straight talking here would help matters move on guys.......don't wanna pull the wool over on anyone, wouldn't insult your intelligence, just wanna get in and out with a reasonable profit.






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Anyhow, I can get an M reg, Classic Green, 66k, Blk Lthr, no A/C


Classic green comes with cream leather. It's mystic blue that comes with black leathers.


I don't want the whole car, but would take the leathers off your hands ;) :lol:


I'm assuming that you would sell it on for about £3kish? Or is that the price you can get it for?


If you're going to sell it for £3k then I'm sure it would take someone's fancy. At least you're not trying to hide the history of the car, which will be appreciated. :)

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Yeah, its NOT a Storm, the Blk Lthr is Heated though.

I'll probably be SELLING at £3k if I can get it for a bit less??


There's only 1 way to trade in my books, and thats Properly, ALL facts are out in the open, no stories, or suprises.


If NE 1 is interested at/or around that figure, please respond either on here, or you can call 07974 902337 to discuss privately if u wish?







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So I guess you wouldn't want a mint cloth interior + £ for the leather? :D







(If you don't ask, you very rarely get :))

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well Tom, wouldn't help the sale much if I did, lets get it bought 1st??

then we'll see what happens eh?


I suppose Leather is harder to find than it is for a Calibra say, most later cars come with Blk Lthr, and ALL the Turbo's had it as std........I presume Golf interiors are a fit aren't they?.....thats prob the only source?





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well.......not much interest on the 4 sale section, can understand why.........

However, the response from the Autotrader has been phenominal, I've not sold it yet, but apart from all the dreamers, there are a few who are coming at the weekend

who sound serious....hope so, cos I'm getting fed up of describing it over & over again.




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