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accident advice please

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hi, anyone shed some light on this please........when you are at a crossroad and all juntions are give way marked and sign posted, if someone is on your right and already out of the junction going stright accross, and you are going stright on as well......are you supposed to give way to that car on the right?????

Asking as this happened to me this morning in the raddo and the dumb Bi**h is trying to say it was my fault and she had right of way, even though I was almost in the middle of the road anbd she could clearly see I had already pulled out?

Thanks in advance for the clarification :(

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If she's got a giveway line and she drove into the side of you, and you weren't speeding etc then I'd say you should be in the clear. She obviously not given way.


Good luck with this,


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Yea if you were already over the giveway lines and she then crossed them and hit you then you should be in the clear.

You and the car ok??

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I was had crept out of the junction and was nearly at the centre doing about 2-4 mph, she came out of nowhere, swerved, i hit the back end of her, damaged front bumper, lights etc, kids not happy, she got out further down the road, blamed me, I was out of the car by this time, looking at damage, she got back in her car as it was in the middle of the road...me thinking she was going to move it to the side and sort out details....no...she drove off.....I got back into raddo and quickly followed (obviously thinking she was doing one).....managed to catch up with her as she had driven all the way down the road and stopped outside local shop?

Realised it was her mum in the passenger seat who owned the shop.....she went inside and came back out with her brother...and they all looked really suprprised that I had caught up

gave me loads of verbal, told them i was calling police as she had driven off, was told that the raddo was a banger and do what you like...so I did...asked for insurance details..they gave me a folded bit of paper....that was blank...very f**kng funny, so got out of hte car and stood next to hers until got her details...she claimed it was my fault, even though you can clearly see the whole junction and any cars, and even though i was halfway out and there was clearly give way signs and markings on the road.

very very angry!!

all she got was a few scratches

this is a really nasty junction and it used to be a main road with side streets if you get what i mean, but thye changed it to crossroads and give ways a few years ago, i have laways been very careful pulling out here and yesterday ws no exception and as it is raised like a speed ramp cant go over it fast anyway.....she just came straight down the road and bang


Anyway have to go to the police station today to report her for driving off.....went yesterday but guess what....IT WAS CLOSED!!

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I was had crept out of the junction and was nearly at the centre doing about 2-4 mph, she came out of nowhere, swerved, i hit the back end of her, damaged front bumper, lights etc, kids not happy, she got out further down the road, blamed me, I was out of the car by this time, looking at damage, she got back in her car as it was in the middle of the road...me thinking she was going to move it to the side and sort out details....no...she drove off.....I got back into raddo and quickly followed (obviously thinking she was doing one).....managed to catch up with her as she had driven all the way down the road and stopped outside local shop?

Realised it was her mum in the passenger seat who owned the shop.....she went inside and came back out with her brother...and they all looked really suprprised that I had caught up

gave me loads of verbal, told them i was calling police as she had driven off, was told that the raddo was a banger and do what you like...so I did...asked for insurance details..they gave me a folded bit of paper....that was blank...very f**kng funny, so got out of hte car and stood next to hers until got her details...she claimed it was my fault, even though you can clearly see the whole junction and any cars, and even though i was halfway out and there was clearly give way signs and markings on the road.

very very angry!!

all she got was a few scratches

this is a really nasty junction and it used to be a main road with side streets if you get what i mean, but thye changed it to crossroads and give ways a few years ago, i have laways been very careful pulling out here and yesterday ws no exception and as it is raised like a speed ramp cant go over it fast anyway.....she just came straight down the road and bang


Anyway have to go to the police station today to report her for driving off.....went yesterday but guess what....IT WAS CLOSED!!


Bad move by her driving off :nono: If it wasnt her fault why did she drive off!?


What was she driving out of interest?


Get it reported to the police and tell the insurance company she drove off, that should be almost all the nails in her coffin. I can believe the police station been closed, its outrageous!

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- give way to the right, unless

- someone is already on the junction .. in which case it's bleeding obvious that you shouldn't drive into them!


She drove off without stopping to exchange details after an accident. Regardless of the argument over why THIS should be an offence when stopping to report any other type of crime isn't, it IS an offence and she's dead in the water.

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reported to police today as they are now OPEN FOR BUISNESS :D


She was driving a pug 306 ..looked pretty new, and obviously paid for by daddy!!

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i feel angry just from reading it, hope it all gets sorted out.


at least you know where their shop is now :D

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