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Undertaking... Yes Illegal but wrong?

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i only feel bad about undertaking on the hard shoulder..

Wot he said.


Motorways have one 70mph lane, an overtaking lane and a second overtaking lane. If people cannot be bothered to get out of either overtaking lane after completing their manouver I will pass them in any of the other lanes, no flashing headlights, no right indicator, nothing. The "outside lane train" generally moves along at less than the max speed limit anyway, left lanes are often faster.


And don't even get me started on the ignorant a***holes that move into my way purposely when I'm "filtering" on the bike :censored: :bad-words:

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I wouldnt say undertaking is wrong if it's done safely.


I quite happily admit that I undertake cars that are going slower than I want to go; I normally sit a safe distance behind, wait about 10seconds (bearing in mind you should be looking in your rearview mirror often anyway so in a perfect driving world I should be noticed). If they don't budge their arse to the other lane/lanes I'll flash my lights a couple of times, and again if they still dont move after another few seconds. If they stay put after all of that I'll undertake if its safe to do so.


[rant]And just because 70mph is the limit doesnt mean you have to sit in the outside lane to do it if the other lanes are clear and then force me do 70mph because 'its the law' and because 'speeding kills'. If I get caught speeding then that's my fault, it's not for you, the everyday driver, to Police my (safe for the conditions) maximum speed on the motorway for me!!! [/rant]

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