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Petrol Drinker

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I drive a '90 Corrado G60. At the moment, it drinks a lot of petrol :( . The average being 15L / 100km combined. When I do highway driving at 120km/h I can see the needle going down. I do have a leaking exhaust at the moment. Apart from that, everything is good, and working well


Does anyone have had similar experience? Could you share your experience with me?


Thanks :)

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If the exhaust is leaking before the cat it could well be running rich. Though even with out the leak, or the leak being after the cat it could still be running rich.

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The leak is after the large silencer, so between the large and the rear silencer. It is running rich, at times I can smell the petrol, especially after starting the engine. The opening of the exhaust is also showing signs of richness. Will try to fix the exhaust and see. If nothing happen afterwards, what else can go wrong??? :confused4:

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You might need to get it on an exhaust gas analyser and get the CO pot tweaked (do US G60s have this on the boost pipe next to the head?)


Prodigal Son's used to overfuel like a mofo, but he got his CO pot tweaked and it runs sweet now.

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It's normal to smell like it's running rich at cold start, but it shouldn't smell like that once it's warm.

Most likely culprit is the lambda.

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