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mp3 headunit advice please!

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I had the mask mini-disc player. I no probs with it. Had it for about 2yrs. Would still have it had it not been for some theiving bastids. I had heard of that prob, luckily never reared it's ugly at me. The Alpine sounds alot better in all areas though.

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dubbprince, Unless they have changed the cable design in the last 8months then its the whole range as far as i know. Mine when after 12months and a 3 days, and then again a week after getting it repaired.

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I have only ever used 3 brands of head unit...


Becker, Clarion and Alpine.


The Beckers are ace but look naff and are really pricey.


The new Clarions look a little funny, but the sound and build of Clarions is superb.


BUT! the best units out there are definitely Alpine's!

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I've got one of these and am very pleased with it. I've always had Alpines up till now, Pioneer from now on :lol:




Wahey!! thats the one thats going in the missus polo! :D


I have a JVC KD-SH909R and i have to say, i haven't see a unit suit a dashboard more :lol: (also comes in black)


7 band eQ and sounds ace for it, if your willing to set it up... :cry: :lol:


That or Nakamichi ontop of Kevs Pioneer in the looks Dept.

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I have the same Kenwood headunit as G60Jet - and its working flawlessly and over 2 years old, so :p


But my next unit will be... yup.... Alpine. :) CDA-9815RB please!

That'll be my present to myself when the Xmas commission gets paid (Feb!).


However, its feature listings include 'Blackout' - wassat? Not detailed on the Alpine site! In fact the Alpine site is pretty pants!


Guess I'd have to blue-backlight all my dash if I got it too... 8)

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i think andi, that black out is a function that switches off the lighting. so it looks like its off but it plays music, for long distance driving and the like,or to make it look like you dont have stereo in to get hi jacked over etc

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