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Calling planet Zog -is there room for Gordon Brown

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Actually I'm kinda with Tempest's view on political reform. We need what I refer to as the "Kenny Everett" solution, ie "Let's round em up, put in a field, and BOMB THE B*STARDS !!".

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we pre 2001 reprobates are going to be an increasingly small percentage (less than 5%??)



Saw no less than 3 Rados today on my trip to Lincoln. Common as muck, I'd say, tax the b*stards harder :lol:


and there would be dedicated hour or two long slots where only 'Karmanns Finest' were allowed on the roads!!


Only an hour or 2 per day? Not enough :lol:


Ford Focus's would be banned from the roads


Can't do, until my business colleague's wife learns to drive, adn he'll buy her a proper car, ... Audi erm ... :lol:


"Let's round em up, put in a field, and BOMB THE B*STARDS !!"


Now you're talking :D


Just look at any western industrial country at the moment, to see what mess they're in. It's not just the UK, and it's not just the Labour-run countries. It's the combination of capitalism and incompetent governments that have accelerated things like human greed, selfishness, lack of social comittment, abuse of social security, enabled idiots to get skyhigh wages (£2 million for the CEO of M&S, come on, that tw*t isn't worth that much, he's just doing a normal job like all of us! And there are loads more like him around the globe. Imagine how many useful jobs you could fund with this one guy's salary). So let's round these rich twits up in the same field as the politicians, and bomb the crap out of them! I have no problems with that. Problem is that George Orwell's "Animal Farm" contains 100% truth: Once we destroy what we perceive to be undesirable (by means of a revolution), it's only a question of time till we're back where we started (eg. French revolution in the real world, the political and financial structures that were destroyed were rapidly replaced by new equally corrupt ones, and by those who fought the old system - that's because humans are inherently selfish and corrupt). Best to destroy mankind ...



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Nice points there, people, but do you really tjink the Tories would have done it any better?



If I remember the Tories introduced free road tax on 'classic' cars over a certain age. And that it was a rolling thing. Labour dumped the idea when they came to power. Think it stopped at cars registered in 1972 or earlier. Thanks Labour!

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If he wants to govern somewhere? why not try Scotland where he is from, then i doubt many Scotts would like his stupid ideas either!




funnily enough us "Scotts" are subject to these same ideas even tho we have our own Scottish Parliament.............also I didn't realise you needed to be English to be the BRITISH prime minister


Well you dont apparantly, but Scotland has decided it want "independance" so why do the English have to suffer one of scotlands country men churning out shite by the handfull with his stooopid gasping speel, I cant see any Englishman being voted in in scotland can you? anyway I dont dislike the bloke coz hes scottish, i dislike the bloke coz hes a cnut and should fcuk off else where :grin:


Maybe the answer is to get rid of all the politicians, after all there sole purpose is supposed to be to act on behalf of the masses and represent the thoughts and feelings of the majority of the nation it governs who elect them


so why are these kerb crawling, fraudster, dogging, cottageing, cross dressing, drug taking, nonce, pooftas trying so hard to ruin the country with their enviromental chunterings and bullshit?


The planets been here for thousands of years, it has been frozen, it has been very hot, it has been wet, it has been dry, there have been mountains where there are now seas, and vice versa, so how does Gordon Fooking Brown think raising the tax on petrol or taxing the nuts off anyone driving a 5 year old + car gonna have or make any fooking difference at all :shrug: they all drive electric cars and power their houses with solar power and wind i suppose :p


Greedy misled facist bastards that are just lining their own pockets, if i ever have the dis pleasure of meeting Brown he is gonna get called a cnut to his face :grin:


and besides all that, polar bears can swim!

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so why do the English have to suffer one of scotlands country men churning out **** by the handfull with his stooopid gasping speel, I cant see any Englishman being voted in in scotland can you?

Because the English voted in hundreds of Labour MPs who voted for him as their leader. The majority of Labour MPs at the time thought he was better than the other 350. Just imagine how bad it would be if one of those others were leader!


I still don't see what being Scottish has to do with it. It's not as if he is imposing Scottish policies on the rest of Britain. In fact it is well known that Gordon Brown and the Scottish government don't get on and didn't even when Labour were in power in Scotland.


I would imagine most politicians choose their career because they want to make positive difference to people lives and they believe that they run things better than at present. Why do they all lose track of their original values and beliefs and become so corrupt?


I agree all governments in the world are corrupt but realistically what are the alternatives? Personally I think a different form of election. Part of the problem with the current governmnt is they have too big a majority.

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Actually I'm kinda with Tempest's view on political reform. We need what I refer to as the "Kenny Everett" solution, ie "Let's round em up, put in a field, and BOMB THE B*STARDS !!".


Look to Northern Ireland, Ian Paisley/Gerry Adams :lol: they've been bombing each other for years and we don't pay poll tax and water tax was given as a concession for peace :clap:

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I would like to point out I am not anti-Scottish, I have nothing against them, and in fact some of the funniest and down to earth people I know are Scottish.


I just meet alot of people through work, who are far from happy with Brown and inequalities between the English and Scottish parliments - and to be fair the Welsh assembly. I think one problem here is that the Scottish have a reputation for hating the English. (I'm not trying to start a war here!) You cant deny that statement. I am not saying every Scot hates the English, just stating a fact.


The reason for bad feeling is simple; The British parliament at Westminster contains MPs from all four UK nations. It does not, however, control what happens in Scotland on matters which are devolved

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I agree with what you say Chris, it is unfair that Scottish MPs can influence English and Welsh only policy. I personally think that the Labour(not Scottish MPs) have abused their position. If the didn't have such a large majority (or we used a different voting system) they would not be able to force through policy in this way. I think the media in England has attempted to fan the flames of the West Lothian question and the result has been an increase in anti Scottish feelings. Much in the same way as blame the immigrants etc. It's worth noting that despite the problem being over 30 years old, no party has a solution!


The system is totally wrong and that is what is pissing everybody off. People are blaming Scots/all politicians/immigrants. Who decided that alcoholics should get more benefits if they have a pet? Why are they allowed to take up so much of NHS resources? Why are people giving up jobs because they can make more money on benefit? I know of somebody who has claimed incapacity benefit for the last 10 years. The want to change their claim because they will receive more benefit if they have a heart condition rather than a back problem. They work and despite being reported by neighbours for the last 10 years nothing has been done. They have just returned from a 3 week holiday in Barbados!

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Quite simply is dont matter what part of "Britain" you come from, quite simply if the govenrment actually listened to the Nation ie man/woman in the street, working class! instead of its hoity toity constituents and spin doctors all the time, for instance


If all the scrounging layabout good for nothing never had a job "sick chit" peoples benefits were totally ceased unless they can prove they have EVER worked or actually tried to get a job or were just simply told, do this job or you get nothing would be my answer, lets face it we are all so politically correct now with all the disabillity laws and union shoite, theres a job for everyone....if they actually want one! even the brain dead scum that seems to line our streets every where you go can sweep leaves or pick dog shit up!


I am totally disgusted that a family of junkies with 5 kids, all with different/unknown parentage can claim upto about £800 a week in benefits, not pay council tax, pay a pitence in rent and get a free taxi for the retard children they knocked out to go to a special school!!! they bred them and passed on no values, no dicipline or common sense, and who are just another 5 criminals in the waiting :scratch: so why do i bother to go to work every day knock my nuts off, get endless grief and other peoples problems to solve when i could just become a drug addict and claim "its a disability" and coin it whilst continuing to deal drugs and knock out chavvies like they are going out of fashion!


Just think of the amount of money that could be saved if all these hand outs to scum and nobodys who are just laughing and sitting back whilst the people who actually work hard for little pay for the country to support them :brickwall: This country is perverse, the only people living the high life are the criminals and the rich (some are one in the same) who rightly or wrongly have earnt the money or the right to earn it! and then theres scroungers and layabouts, the people who are 3rd generation scroungers and handout seekers, you know the ones who smell of piss and wear the same clothes all week, but seem to have endless cash to buy booze and cigarettes and drugs and have more children than they can actually count up to!


seems the only people who are totally shafted are working class decent people who put their kids through proper education, who have insurance and driving licences when they use a car, who pay their own way and if they cant afford it they go without and accept their lot, they dont feel the need to go and steal it off someone else!


Prehaps Mr Mugabe dont have such a bad regime after all!!! or prehaps we need a civil war?

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you have a great information concerning to the insurance,i respect your knowledge ,but i also want to share some information towards the insurance .that is what actually insurance means,why often people doing insurance of home ,and other things

Insurance, in law and economics, is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent loss. Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for a premium. An insurer is a company selling the insurance. The insurance rate is a factor used to determine the amount, called the premium, to be charged for a certain amount of insurance coverage. Risk management, the practice of appraising and controlling risk, has evolved as a discrete field of study and practice.

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Lets hope theres room on Zog for a few extras too

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you have a great information concerning to the insurance,i respect your knowledge ,but i also want to share some information towards the insurance .that is what actually insurance means,why often people doing insurance of home ,and other things

Insurance, in law and economics, is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent loss. Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for a premium. An insurer is a company selling the insurance. The insurance rate is a factor used to determine the amount, called the premium, to be charged for a certain amount of insurance coverage. Risk management, the practice of appraising and controlling risk, has evolved as a discrete field of study and practice.


Do you own, or have any interest in Corrados? :|

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Do you own, or have any interest in Corrados? :|




Fuel prices, whilst made up of a large proportion of tax are being pushed up by Opec. Look at deisel prices, 10 years ago, before there were many deisel cars, it cost less than unleaded. People started to buy more cars running on it, as it was so much cheaper, now there are plenty of cars using deisel, it's costing more than super.


Anyway, as far as I'm concerned its all down to the Paedos...... :wink:

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Fuel prices, whilst made up of a large proportion of tax are being pushed up by Opec. Look at deisel prices, 10 years ago, before there were many deisel cars, it cost less than unleaded. People started to buy more cars running on it, as it was so much cheaper, now there are plenty of cars using deisel, it's costing more than super.


Anyway, as far as I'm concerned its all down to the Paedos...... :wink:


Isn't that more to do with simple supply and demand, only so much diesel can be refined from a barrel of oil and the refining capacity hasn't kept up with the increase in demand for diesel (co. cars in particular).

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