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New Scirocco - a girlies car

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I see Mr Clarkson put it up high on the cool wall,


on a not so positive note, a local blue one to me went down the road the other morning, to come back an hour later on an AA relay truck, no damage, perhaps they dropped their keys down a drain :shrug:

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Was delighted to see it go onto the cool wall as a Sub Zero motor - not far from (I also noticed) the Fiat 500. I like being right about cars ;)

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Well considering where Clarkson placed the normal Scirocco on the cool wall I wonder if someone is going to buy a tank of liquid nitrogen to put the more powerful GT24 edition into, LOL.

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Wouldn't it be great if it looked like the XF coupe [but with 4 seats, of course] - a proper successor to the C.

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Test driven a couple now. Goes, stops, rides and corners nicely (particularly the cornering part), while being quiet and comfortable.


A-pillars are huge though, and the Sports setting on the suspension appears to just makes the ride jiggly without any other discernible changes at legal speeds.


Maybe I've just got used to how 'involving' the Mini is, but all in all it seems a bit too well rounded.

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