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Bentley manual & Internet Explorer v6

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will have to load up opera and see if its any different. will also do some finding out in work as i work for a telecoms company! :D


If you can discover how to make the Bentley Manual work properly in IE6 - you will forever be known as the "Bentley Manual God".. :thumbleft: 8)

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Looks at you all. All this modern day mumbo jumbo and you can't even make it work .... In my day we made our own paper from trees and we've never looked back :D


Nah ... i'm only 22. Can't get the heap of crap to work either and am even having problems using Opera. Although I think this may be a problem with my PC :(

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If you can discover how to make the Bentley Manual work properly in IE6 - you will forever be known as the "Bentley Manual God".. :thumbleft: 8)


Who am I???? :D :D :D

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I purchased a copy of a Bentley Corrado manual some time ago, and have only just got around to installing it.

The program loads ok, shows menus etc, but doesn't show diagrams/write ups. When you click on an item, another window opens, but is blank??

Just wondering if anyone has had similar probs?

Oh, and i'm running XP.

Cheers in advance... :)


**mod edit** thread title altered & moved to "problems" section - stevemac


I am hardly looking for the Bentley Cd-Rom Manual. It is very difficult here in Portugal, almost nobody has a Corrado G60.





**Mod Edit. Sorry but we can't condone piracy through the forum. Look on Ebay as there are copies on there all the time. VR6

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I'm running IE6 SP1 with Win2000. I had a similar problem. :evil:

I fixed it by the following method.

Go to Internet Options - Click [security] tab - Select [Trusted sites]


Click [sites..] Button - Type [add this Web site to the zone.]

Click [Add] Button - w/o [Require server....] Check box - Click [OK] Button


At present, Bentley manual works well. :)

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how did you figure that one out?? :o


i wouldn't have though that telling your computer to trust ist own TCP/IP network stack configuration would have done anything?


i woulnt have though that would work cos if you put http (HyperTextTransferProtocol) before the IP address it would just p*ss the pc off and not give you anything (page cannot be displayed or cannot find server) cos you are requesting something to go through a DNS server to transfer the domain into an IP address??


it has to be either one or the other i.e. domain with the http:// prefix OR the IP address? that doesn't make sense whatsoever cos your TCP/IP stack doesnt have a domain as an alternative?? it is certainly as you said but without any http! :?


could it just be that Win2k is running with a slightly different registry log than XP and its something to do with the way windows is configured? i know that Win2k has its fair share of probs but having to tell it to look for its own network stack to run an offline programme sounds as if its taking the michael??..... saying that half the time i have to make them look for it in work to get the things online!! :roll:


some light on the situation would be good as it appears that you are in the know of something that i am not! :scratch: :wink:

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your right tho,

it works in XP as well!!! scrap my word document this works a treat!!!


Well done Oichan :D :wink:

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how did you figure that one out?? :o


The http:// may not be needed. :?: But, I don't have knowledge very much about PC. :oops:

I got it as a result of trying some methods. :D

Enjoy Corrado life! :wink:

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well guysi tried installing it on my new pc which is now xp not 2000 and it wont even open.

i get the error Jrew.exe has encountered errors and must be closed.

any ideas

i did the trusted site thingy so help please

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Hi guys,


I've searched all over e-bay cant find one :cry:


Does anyone have a bently manual for sale CD or paperback (pref CD)





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I don't get it?

when the bentley manual is opened in opera, the menu's still show, but i can't get the final pages.

I really must learn how to use this computer!! :oops:


I am afraid stu that you arent the only one with the problem. Some pretty hefty techhies have also tried to nail this one and it isnt that simple. The original bentley manual was designed for Win 95/98 settings with a specific type of communications interface, and a specific form of Java (a language that is used quite often in your internet sufing program). Unfortunately applications such as firewalls, antivirus software that control email systems, and your current networking configuration and operating system all affect the viability.

Bentley know about this and will help you somewhat if you have a genuine Bentley CD. You'll find them on the net. However if yours turns out to be bootleg'd, simply accept that you've been hosed, and that whoever sold it to you had not taken the time to include the 10-15 patches needed to enable it to work with current configurations. I have that T-shirt! :(


The good news is that Bentley are planning to release a whole new version. The bad news is that it costs around $90 US for a new copy. So here's the proposition - MODERATOR - could you help out here - What if we attempted a group buy? I reckon we could push Bentley to do this for a lot less.


SO what does everybody think? :?

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I think most of us have it working fine now in IE6 with the help from people on this forum... Have a look at the instructions on page 2

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I think most of us have it working fine now in IE6 with the help from people on this forum... Have a look at the instructions on page 2


errr no :oops:

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I think most of us have it working fine now in IE6 with the help from people on this forum... Have a look at the instructions on page 2


Only one problem with that approach. It really opens the door to the rest of the world and allows them to interrogate your computer quite effectively. The kludge for is useful depending upon the version of Java you are running. Personally I wouldnt allow anybody that kind of access to my session variables.


Doesnt anybody want to obtain a legal working copy anymore? :oops:

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