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powermag magnets, just a gimic??

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well on one of my usual trawls through the dregs of ebay i came across this, i find it hard to belive that magnest can adjust the way that fuel is used, has anyone on here got the knowledge of how fuel reacts to magnetic fields to tell us if the claims made here could possibly be true?




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On top of the old adage that, if it's too good to be true .... etc, you have to wonder why the multi-billion pound car manufacturers haven't come up with this already.


It's all a conspiracy I tell thee!!! :nuts:

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I'm sure that ProdigalSon has been road-testing one of these for a few months now and he seemed to think it did actually make 1mpg or so difference, but it's hardly earth-shattering.

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I find my pixie-dust fuel addictive far more effective...

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A couple of sites I work at use magnets on their fuel supplies to our burners - one gas and on heavy fuel oil, and appaerently they do work.... I think its aload of crap myself but the site with the magnets strapped around the gas line can get a full refund if savings are not made.

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