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7 slat badgeless grill.

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I've seen a red corrado (foreign I think) with a 7 slat badgeless grill. It had 14 inch wheels on it at some point.

Does anybody know if you can buy these anywhere. Or If he made it do you know if he's on here so I can ask him some questions?


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JMC has 1 for sale in the classifieds now and they are standard on early cars but people usually swap to the 3 slat. Ah just read again and you say badgeless, sure somebody will sell them.

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Never seem one of them for sale tbh!


Saw someone who had made a custom diy one out of two butchered standard grilles though, quite a neat job too.

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Was looking at that guide on how to do them earlier and have found someone with three for sale on Ebay.

That should give me a chance to cock one up!

Ill let you know how i get on.

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Ok I finally finished this yesterday.

If anyones thinking of doing this then good luck cos its a total ball ache!

I rushed it a bit so the joins are a bit rough and its not perfectly straight tbh, so I'm thinking of making a second one.







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