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Price of a corrado??

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What sort of money would anyone pay for a g-reg corrado in red/pink been sat for 1-2yrs? All i want it for is the interior. The badywork is in very bad condition dents/ rust every where etc brakes shot at engine runs ok though? Does any body have any idea?? would appreciate the help please cheers Richard.

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If you only want it for the interior I'd offer next to nothing tbh... if none of the panels are worth selling on and the engine has been sat for so long then I'm guessing there's no value left in it at all anyway! If it's got reasonably tidy leather then I'd suggest £300-£400 and it it's cloth then no more than £150 seeing as you can pick up an early cloth interior (minus the car to get rid of afterwards) for as little as a ton!



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It's worth approx £200 at your nearest scrap metal merchant so offer around that mark, take what you want and then weigh the rest in for profit. Not sure if it has a CAT on a G plate (Do all Rado's have CATS?) but they're worth £50ish scrap on their own.



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Oh well, slightly less money from Mr Scrap Man then. Not that I condone scrapping any car let alone a Rado but sometimes it's just not viable or financially sane.



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cheers for all your quick responses and advice think i'm going to offer him £150 on it then see what he says, dont want to pay any more just looked at it again and its really battered on all corners, front wings are shot at etc... cheers guys Rich.

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