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g60 missfiring / lumpy / dies when dropping the clutch

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I thought I had these problems because I am over fuelling slightly but can anyone help me find out what else could be causing this? I have checked the idle screw on the back of the throttle body (how tight does this have to be done up :shrug: as I have had to tighten it up a couple of times now), checked for fuel leaks, checked for boost leaks, checked all sensors are working as they should be and the only thing I am left thinking is that my chip isn't right for my configuration? could an incorrect mapping cause missfiring, lumpy starts and the car to die when dropping the clutch sometimes?


Any help appreciated

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did it ever run right with the chip thats fitted?


the idle screw is ajusted until the revs are correct...not just tightened up, might need a new one if its loose?


have you checked the battery voltage and all earths?

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yeah the set up was running ok about a month ago, not perfect still some tinkering needed like I said it is still running a little rich, I reckon it is the battery now you mention it as it died on me not so long ago. The funny thing is it generally runs fine for a bit then when it gets up to temp in traffic it can all of a sudden start coughing and almost dieing. I'll give the battery another charge and give the earths a looking at tonight to see if that helps.



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