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Boot lock not unlocking

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Hey all


I was just dropping my car off for a service this morning, put my bike in the back to ride home no problem, but when I got to the garage 4 miles away the the boot wouldn't unlock, tried with the key in the drivers door central locking operated the passenger door and filler cap, then tried with the alarm fob again everything locked and unlocked but the boot, went to ry the key in the boot but it wouldn't turn.

I've only had the car for about a week and I don't think that I ever tried the ignition key in the boot lock so that could explain why I can't unlock it with the key but does anyone have any ideas as to what could have gone wrong in the central locking system to top just the boot from unlocking?





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Check the vacuum pipe from the central locking pump hasnt become dislodged off the boot lock actuator.


And welcome



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Could it be that, the boot has been locked using the key, thus when you unlock the car with central lockign the boot actually stays locked until you unlock it again with key. This would then allow central locking to unlock and lock boot, however seen as you've tried the key you have, could it be its a seperate key for the boot... for whatever reason.

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Even if the central locking is not working the key should still unlock it, (unless the key doesn't match the boot lock) could you turn the key at all? as the boot lock rarely gets used they do sometimes seize up, a quick spray of WD40 and a few jiggles of the key usually works.

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