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CaiosG60 PWR

Whats going on with this car?

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cai u only missed the owner of that car at my workshop by a couple of hours mate... could of chatted to him in person... :lol:

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Its prober Bo that, darren! Is it finished then? Been told by someone on edition38 that they saw it a bit after inters and it had a tailgate and glass fitted. Car of the show season for 2004.....?

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Its prober Bo that, darren! Is it finished then? Been told by someone on edition38 that they saw it a bit after inters and it had a tailgate and glass fitted. Car of the show season for 2004.....?


Polycarbonate windows I'll have you know :p


Car is slowly coming together, despite changing jobs, moving house, moving-in with the missus (ouch), starting my own business, buying allegros and obsessively buying 20V engines (now have 4, ready for blowing-up :? )


Am currently building my on vacuum consolidated composite curing oven for small scale composite work - starting with an intake plenum for mine. Throttle bodies are on order as is intercooler no. 1. Daz will be doing intercooler no. 2 (won't you Daz :wink: ).


Goal is to get it running both turbo and charger by Inters. You can all help by kneeling and praying for me.


Couple of pics below.



now, better get on, got a car to build :)




*** Mod Edit - Pics moved to be hosted here due to problems viewing - Henny ***

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Sometimes they worked for me, other times they didn't...


I've mod'd the post and stuck them on the forum rather than linked to a different host... 8)

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trendy tramp, trust you'll be dropping in to Jct29 once its finished?


will try to find some time - got none at the moment as you can imagine. I'm busy on CATIA most evenings preparing some material for a funding bid for the company. I'm sure I'll get over sometime though.


Henny - cheers for sorting the pics, will sort out my own hosting soon enough.



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Henny - cheers for sorting the pics, will sort out my own hosting soon enough.


My pleasure... 8) The hosting you had was fine, it just didn't like remote picture hosting that much... As soon as I put the URL into the address bar the pics came up first time with no problems, it was just links from here it wasn't too happy with... :?


Car looks good, I saw it at Inters and wondered what the hell was going on with it... It only had slightly more panels than my MKI and that's stripped waiting for a respray and rebuild! :wink: :lol:

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