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Seen 3 unusual cars on the road today

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On my way to my mates house this afternoon I saw three very unusual and rare cars (well, maybe 2 and a half!!)

The first was a GT40 painted exactly like this


Couldn't believe just how looooooow it was - sounded gorgeous as it flashed past - can't find jealous smiley :(

Number two was, I think, a Maserati 450s - it's the closet thing that looks like it that I could find on the net


Mmmmmmmmm - nice.

The last was a lowly 196*/197* Reliant Scimitar - so fugly it almost looks good!

Like this, only more beige/gold



Ok, so the Scimitar isn't really all that rare, but they are few and far between now. I've seen a couple of GT40s on the road, but only 2 or 3, and I've never seen that type of Maserati before, ever! All spoted within about 15 mins of each other. Maybe there was some kind of meet on - but it was at about 4.30pm, so not like meet kicking out time? How flukey was that? It fair made my day!

Cheers y'all


Edited by timmaaah

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