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Mysterious spoiler!

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Hey guys,

Dunno if any of you can help me with this one but it's certainly an interesting dilemma.

Since having my C the spoiler has only ever worked off the button and will retract as soon as I stop.

At the Rolling Road day at Star on 30th November I was surprised to see the spoiler work on the RR - it extended fully and retracted again.

Was trying to think why it would behave like this as it doesnt operate on the road and the only conclusion I could think of was that this would have been the only time ever it would have run at speed with the face off of the CD player. Thought that maybe it was somehow interfering with its speed sensing - so today I ran it without the player in and it still didnt work.

Any thoughts anyone?



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Was trying to think why it would behave like this as it doesnt operate on the road and the only conclusion I could think of was that this would have been the only time ever it would have run at speed with the face off of the CD player. Thought that maybe it was somehow interfering with its speed sensing - so today I ran it without the player in and it still didnt work.

did you try it with the face on or off,if the face was fitted then it would be turned powered on..ie..the clock

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it will work off the switch but doesnt stay up after been switched. As soon as I stop it retracts. There would be no reason the operator at STAR would just turn it on though would there? Other spoilers didnt go up so I dunno.

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