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How bad would it be too put my Storm badge back on my std VR

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I have pretty much finished spamming up my motor now and am really happy with how it looks, however something has been niggling at me.


Then i realised it was the Storm badge missing off the rear. Ever since I have owned the car (7 years) it has been on there. I left it on as the guy I bought it off said that was how it came from the dealer so i thought it was part of its 'history'

After being in contact with the original owner though this turned out not to be true.


Now I dont think I will put it back on, but how bad/sad would it truly be if I did??? :D


Feel a bit of a troll posting this but just had to get it out of my system LOL

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Hmm I smell worms from that there open can! :lol:


LOL I dont really see the harm in it... I just like the red on the blue paintwork TBH. Bit like putting an M3 badge on your std beemer but with the difference being the cars handle and perform the same.


People always thought it was a Storm being Aqua blue, but I always put them straight. Unless I was in a hurry and didnt have a spare 30 mins to explain the differences and then explain why the differences were so few :wink: My car also has an ABT Storm gear surround so it kinda matches that as well.


Re space I dont think i would put the VR^ badge back on and I have now colour coded the Corrado badge so....

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