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VR6 Lumpy acceleration past 4500 revs

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Right well I've done a few searches but not really come up with an answer. The car seems to pull OK in 1st, 2nd & 3rd but in 4th and 5th (giving it some welly) get it much past 4500 revs and it just feels like it's "missing", still pulls but feels proper lumpy. Any ideas?


Oh it's a '94 VR6





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Fuel pressure dropping too low as a result of fuel filter being blocked or pump knackered would be my first guess.


Throw a new filter on and see what happens.

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mine did this in the high gears (somewhere over 110 mph right?) and its now turned into a proper top-end misfire in every gear after vince tried to map new cams and a manifold. its not sorted yet but having tried new coilpack and ecu he then found some wiring that looked a bit suspect that he's going to have a look at next time.


could also be leads though so try a new set if you can, or any of the fuel issues that tom mentions.. thats definitely what it felt like to start with for me too.

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Ooooooh no never above 69MPH :D Thanks for the input, I'll give it a go next weekend, only really noticable on hard acceleration and over 70 so I'll take it easy for the week & hopefully it'll be alright.



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well it seemed to be gradually getting worse, now noticable from just over 3000 revs. Just changed the fuel filter but no better and now I smell of Petrol :)


Ony other ideas?

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Fixed it, well actually RK Engineering fixed it (thank you) dirty plugs... Doh!! But having done almost 150000 miles and never had any serious work done to the engine it appears it's getting fairly near terminal... :(

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