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What do you buy the Corrado owner who has everything?

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Naww, he's got 4 bikes as it is and doesn't need another one.

And he knows they exist, I think the shop might have stocked them a while back, or was asked if they would.


Apparently Kip toyed with the idea of getting one and now it wouldn't better his Colnago anyway.

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I've heard of people having winter wheels before, but that's going a bit too far!!


Hi Matt, aye seems a bit silly but then if you have a cycle thats worth £4500 and made of the most exotic stuff on the planet would you want to ride it in winter with salt all over the road? not to mention the lack of mud guards on a bike of this value too.


So yep most real bikies will have a winter bike in their collection :salute:

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:nuts: It's one of the more upper-class things I've been called recently! :lol:


interesting how the font of the word Corrado on the bike looks quite similar to our rear badges though I reckon.

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i mountain bike, so no such thing as winter wheels :D but saying that, i let gravity do all the work for me so i have huge respect for you nutters with enough energy to cycle all day for miles :notworthy: , the most energy i expend is pushing the bike up the hill!

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Yeah regarding the font type they used it is very similar and I asked them about this when they were starting up the company and going round with samples to shops like where i work and they said they were a little too worried about copy rights so they chose a similar font as opposed to the Corrado style :)


Ahh you a down hill man then matt? i think they are :cuckoo: :lol:

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Naww, he's got 4 bikes as it is and doesn't need another one.

And he knows they exist, I think the shop might have stocked them a while back, or was asked if they would.


Apparently Kip toyed with the idea of getting one and now it wouldn't better his Colnago anyway.


Right! - If Kip had one - he'd only develop un uncontrollable compulsion to take it round the 'Ring! :lol:

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Did you know that they actually do hold cycle races on it too mate? theres a festival there every year :clap: dont fancy any sideways action on me colnago though :lol:

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A Porsche 911 - of course !!!!!!!!!!! Whew !!!


Lol! Trust you Wendy :lol:

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Did you know that they actually do hold cycle races on it too mate? theres a festival there every year :clap: dont fancy any sideways action on me colnago though :lol:


Jeez! - Wouldn't fancy the lower section of the Karousel on a pushbike - bad enough on VAG-hag's rockhard coilies! :lol:

[Though they do become compliant when thoroughly warmed up.]

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