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My worst Car crash

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I've noticed more and more these days selfish aresholes quickly closing gaps so that you can't join a queue of traffic. I mean, why?

I had a similar experiance last night.


Over the weekend I was in heavy traffic driving through Winchester when I saw a Honda Civic in front of me pull into a Petrol station, shoot across the forecourt and out the exit, just to get a couple of cars ahead in the queue. :nono:

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Most recently I've noticed a lot of people in new cars running me off the road...


And me, especially mums in 4x4's late for school run on country lanes..I just almost stop dead now and let them drive around me, rather than being bullied into the verges because I have a little car.



The fact is no matter who you are and what you drive you do have to be careful. I was taught by my driving instructor to drive defensively, I'd rather yield and let someone out or let someone pass me than hold them up and have them sitting behind me getting angry or with them end up doing something rash or inappropriate that I might get caught up in. Driving has gotten worse in the 10 years I have had my licence, maybe because more people have newer cars that do everything for them and are too assisted and too cosseting and thus people don't have to drive them as much? I also noticed a huge difference in road manners when I moved from Glasgow to Surrey, I go through a jumction every morning that I have to wait on someone letting me out into the traffic, I can sit there for 5 min before I get to move, unless I p!ss someone off by bullying my way out which I'd rather not do...


Agree completly, you have to drive not just yourself but for everyone else. Other Rules I use -If I hestitate, I never go back on myself, I rarely get mad in the car, I do not understand the amount of anger there is especially when driving, if i am late, I am late - I will arrive at some time ! (better than not and dead).

I too think women in particular have the worst driving skills (says me!), many of them are just not in control of their vehicles. I did however spot a bloke putting on his tie in a vehicle in front of me - honestly. Then today, I could not believe how the car infront of me, travelling at approx 50mph, was swerving from the midlle of the carriageway, to the kerb then out to the centre white line. i found it quite off putting it was so bad.


Baack to wanting Driving Test retakes every 10 years - sure it would not be popular, but i do think it necessary.


The car culture and manners change from Banbury going South, much more aggressive style of driving, all sitting on each others bumpers etc.

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The car culture and manners change from Banbury going South, much more aggressive style of driving, all sitting on each others bumpers etc.


i must admit i sometimes feel a little guilty when i find myself driving the same way as i do in london in other parts of the country where traffic is not as bad/slow.. its just that a friend of mine took 40 mins to get the last 2 miles to our office today and while its not always that bad, i suppose the frustration that kind of thing causes gets the better of some of us (me) sometimes..


not that i've often driven into a petrol station to get further up a queue before.. :oops:

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not that i've often driven into a petrol station to get further up a queue before.. :oops:


The turd is in the post. ;)

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that looks nasty! if im not wrong i remember seeing this in a vw mag years n years ago! lucky to be alive man

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My god you've got a good memory, there was a PVW feature on my Mk1 G60 Cab that I made after the crash, the piccy was in that!

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yea, that was it n that only one wheel was salvagable. liked them wheels to the point ive got a set that i refuse to get rid of.glad you made it out of that ok though

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yea, that was it n that only one wheel was salvagable. liked them wheels to the point ive got a set that i refuse to get rid of.glad you made it out of that ok though

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WOW!!!! thats a sick crash. good to hear everyone is still alive. i rolled and crushed my mk2 gti 8v recently. was my pride and joy. but hey its only steel. just grateful to be alive

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