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Who was doing the Supercharged pic Hooded Tops?

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May have imagined this and the 'search' seems to bear this out, BUT, was there a post recently about Hooded Tops with a Supercharger cut away pic on them? Via Ebay?


Is this the same thing you were thinking about in the other post Vag-Hag?


Tried Ebay without any luck. :(

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I put them up on here. Its a couple of mates of mine. They did have them on ebay last week. They do limited runs of them every now and again. Very high quality and you've probably seen them being worn at shows, they've done them for a few years now.


I can see if there are any left or put you in touch if you want?

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That would be good mate if you could see if they have any left? Or if likely to put up on Ebay again soon? :D

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