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Door handle!!!

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okay so the ice has played havoc with my door handle!! when i open it it now pulls away from the body! i know they are common problems, my question is how do i fix or what do i need to buy to fix it? it still opens the central locknig etc it jsut wont open the door.


i went to vw 2day and he asked me wether it was the inner or the outer handle i needed :| which confused me abit ? ne way he sed the outer handle was 39 quid


thanks luke.

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i replaced mine with passat rears and done away with the locks, or there are a few corrado door handles on fleabay at the mo.

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ive read about the delocked passat handles but i dont understand ? i need a key to open the door lol?! can some1 please explain how this would work i get the fact u fit them to the doors etc but do i need to then put my lock mechs into the handles?

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