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my spoiler aint working again!!1

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sorry to bring up an old topic....have did a search and found somebody who had the same problem but nobody replied to his thread and the other threads havent shed much light.


hopefully get a better response than the other guy.


when i got my C the spoiler wasnt working because the stereo was wired wrong.....the old blue wire trick and has worked perfect ever since.


however yesterday the spoiler went up automatically at the correct speed but now wont go down.....either automatically or with the switch.....it is just stuck up


please tell me it is something simple.....please

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"If" it's the same problem I had the bloody thing started off intermittantly blowing fuses so I picked a nice day and stripped the mech out of the boot lid (a bas£$%d of a job btw but take you time and it will come out) then cleaned and greased the moving parts, bench testing showed it was a jammed motor so I stripped and cleaned all the sh1te out of it and reassembled its worked fine ever since.


The problem with this motor is that although it has self cleaning bushes it doesnt run long enough to clean itself, so over 15 years as the brushes wore down it got full of crap and stops working. (btw the spoiler motor is almost identical to the vr electric water pump as I rebuilt teh forked one form Toad's VR) its a long and dirty job but worth doing as replacement motors are expensive (if you can still get them) so check your fuses, if you replace the fuse and it blows again fairly soon after replacement get the motor out and clean it before it burns out!


Let me know if you get stuck and I will gladly help you through it :)





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thanks for the reply,

i'm pretty useless mechanically so took it down to a local guy.

blown fuse :) so nothing too serious

hopefully all goes well



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Mine packed up the day after I bought the car, I was gutted. I sourced a second hand motor and assembly and was so chuffed when it worked again!



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Is it worth greasing the struts lightly or anything like that to help keep it moving freely?


In a word, no :D the black plastic posts that the spoiler moves on need to be grease free because the only support the spoiler and aid water flow away from the mech and inside of the boot, iirc the mech is fairly simple just two toothed bits of steel connected to cables that pull/push the plastic posts up and down. Gutted I didnt take any pics when I had it all apart now :-(


If you are blowing fuses its a sign your motor either needs cleaning or replacing.





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I read somewhere that you should use graphite powder as lubricant and nothing else as it'll get clogged up.



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Its usually on 16 which is the same circuit as MFA and glovebox light but not on all cars...


As above no grease externally as this with collect dirt and create a paste, WD40 is good though to stop the mech freezing and also talcum powder to stop squeeks...

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This is a shamelss post,


But just incase anyone has major problems, i've got a full rear spolier setup and wiring, switch etc kicking about. Only downside is the one of the plastic brackets where it mounts to the boot has cracked off.


Anyhow... didn't realise the motor was the same as the leccy water pump?! the one by the dizzy/coilpack?!

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Anyhow... didn't realise the motor was the same as the leccy water pump?! the one by the dizzy/coilpack?!


Yep thats the one, although I’m not sure they have “exactly” the same dimensions ect as I didn’t do a side by side comparison but to strip and clean they are identical :)

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