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KW V3's - slight problem

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i am in the process of fitting my new V3's to my VR6


heres my problem -




i still have one more nut and the big washer to fit on top but im running outta thread. on the V3's the thread at the top of the strut is smaller than original.


is this a problem?or can i just fit nut to nut(forgetting the washer) to stop them moving?


anyone else come across this

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Common problem. Coilover dampers are a lot shorter than the OE items, including the threaded rod!!


What I do is jack the trailing up arm to compress the bottom rubber doughtnut, thereby providing just enough thread to get the nut onto. Then you can wind it down as normal. When compressed up fully, the nut is pretty much level with the top thread. It's pretty poor tbh, but I've had 3 coilover sets and they were all like that.

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Or if you have a helping hand, get both struts in position through the turret holes, then drop the car back down onto the ground.....

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i thinnk the rubber bit is upside down, something seems wrong to me


Yup, looks like you have the top-mount fitted the wrong way up. (don't think that will really effect the amount of thread sticking though though)

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a pic i used when fitting mine, i put KW's on over christmas, they were KW1's though, but didn't have any problems fitting them and they alot shorter then what came off.


i put my top mounts on with the car on the ground

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