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Total Recall(s)

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First off, hello and merry xmas to you all .. its thanks to you guys that I am now the proud owner of a '95 Blackberry Metallic VR6. I am naturally keen to ensure that from here on in it gets the best of care. I wanted to start by making sure that any VW recalls have been duly honured and I can avoid any avoidable nasties lurking in the wings.


I have surfed world wide wait and found at least one, I have nosed your site and whilst there are mentions here are there, there is no all encompassing list. Therefore can we use this thread to produce said list? Mod Squad, can you shufty any links of relavance into here for us all to peruse? :?:


I know of the heater matrix but is that the subject of an actual recall? I also know of an issue with the radiator fans but I'm not sure if that was limited to US models only? Head gasket is another favourite but I don't think thats a recall? :?


If anyone knows of said recalls can they please provide details so I can nip off to my local VW stealer, if poss provide all details required such as subject , recall id/number, model affected etc. I'm sure this info would be useful to other C owners and I think we all know how friendly the local stealer can be when asking if there are any outstanding recalls :twisted:

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As far as I've heard, the heater matrix recall was only applicable to earlier cars, late models had the later-type heater matrix with built-in safety valves. And even if it is applicable to your car, it wasn't a recall of the matrix itself, it was a recall of the car to fit in-line safety valves to protect the matrix.

I've not heard of any more than that though...

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i'm sure if you phone VW's customer relations dept. that they are obligated to tell you of any recalls that are applicable to your C

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