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Getting paranoid now...


Ive now done about 2500 miles since i completely rebuilt my abv engine, but:


I have noticed that i have a slight oil leak from the head to block on the o/s of the engine. looking through the forum i have caught bits about having to re torque the head down after the anitial run up - is this the case?

With new stretch bolts there should be no reason to surely?....


Also while im here, although i replaced all the chains, tensioners and guides with new genuine bits - should i change my upper chain tensioner for the "all plastic" one and if i do can i get away with leaving the double style chain?





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There's no need to re-torque the head. As long as you follow the correct tightening sequence, ie torque figures and then multiple stage angle tightening it should be fine.

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If you renewed the tensioner blade with a new one of the old type, it should last another 100 000 miles. If I were you, I would leave it alone.

The all polymer type can be used with the duplex chain - at least I hope it can, I have just put one in !!


Are you sure that oil is leaking out of the engine, and not simply a slight spillage from the oil cap when filling the sump? Or maybe a weeping cam cover gasket?


Best wishes



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