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bowden cable resurrection?

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I have the usual heater issue.


its an early set of controls. Can the cable be cleaned and lubricated to bring it back to life?

I'd rather recycle the existing one if possible and spend the £15 odd quid saved from the stealers some other niggle with the old girl.

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I suspect if you remove it and give it a good soak with WD40 or similar, work it good and proper, let any excess drain and then refit,


that should sort it, if not it'll cost that £15!

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If the cable has a natural bend in it, re-install it the other way round, so it wears against the other side, sometimes this works apparently although I've never tried it.

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cheers guys,


I got into it this morning only to discover that the central plastic heater box has split. :brickwall:


so I'm now pis*y and trying to decide whether to repair the existing box or try and find a good second hand one.

either way it's a complete sh*tter of a job and one I wasn't planning on doing.

It also explains why the instrument cluster has been steaming up recently as I had hot air floating round behind the cluster aswell as belting out of the vents.

Typical corrado ownership. Start trying to sort out a minor niggle to find it's a MUCH bigger job than it should have been.

Still I guess I might aswell do the matrix at the same time as the heater box will be out. (couldn't happen in the summer when it's warm and the heater isn't required.) :bad-words:

Fortunately I cycle to work so it's not a toal disaster.

I was also able to see the wear on the Bowden cable. It looks like turning it through 180 degrees and lubing it up might resolve the issue. It'll be much easier to sort once the heater box is out aswell.


just off to the WIKI to find out if I can do the job without taking the entire dash out.

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The Wiki is down at the mo, but it is possible without the dash removed just bloody fiddly. Do a search for matrix removal or similar there's loads out there.

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Er, don't lube the heater cables, they are designed to be self lubricating and whilst a spot of WD40 will make it better in the short term (a week or two) it will get worse as any dust etc will mix with the oil in the WD40 and turn into a nice grinding paste.

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