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Rocket Ron

Battery being drained

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Got a problem something is draining my battery after 2 days. Whats the best way to find out whats causings it.

Someone told me that you can put an Amp meter in series with battery.

Any advice would be welcome.

Somebody has also told me about a kill switch.

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yep, measure the current on a meter and pull fuses until one causes a major drop, you shouldn't have more than about 0.01 Amp with everything switched off, any more than that and something is up.

it's worth making sure that the boot light isn't staying on, although a healthy battery should cope with that for a day or two.

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Is the battery new? if not it might be on its way out. Mine wouldn't hold a charge longer than a couple of days even with a trickle charger plugged in. Bought a new battery and kept the solar trickle charger in the cig socket and all is well.

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Is the battery new? if not it might be on its way out. Mine wouldn't hold a charge longer than a couple of days even with a trickle charger plugged in. Bought a new battery and kept the solar trickle charger in the cig socket and all is well.


Where did you get the trickle charger my friend .




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Ive got 2, one for my scorpio as well. I bought one from http://www.TheUltimateFinish.co.uk , the other off ebay, Maplins do them as well, they are about £12-15.


Yes and sadly they make bugger all difference except in direct sunlight .. :-(

Not much of that around at this time of year.


The average Corrado seems to drain a fully charged battery in about 2-3 weeks, no matter what you do. I didn't figure out which circuit is causing it. That's "only" 70mA current, but over a long period of time it kills the battery no problem.

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