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clutch pedal sticking, and not activating fully when cold

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As per title, when the car is cold, (This has happened twice in succession now, so I guess the issue is here to stay) I have troubles getting in and out of gears, when it does go in, it goes in with an almighty crunch. At the same time, the clutch pedal is very "sticky" and will often sit at about half-way after letting go.


As the car warms up, gears become easier to get, and the pedal goes from sticking, to just coming back up slower than my foot does, gears arn't perfect, but it's drivable - this is how the gearbox/clutch was when I got the car a few weeks back.


When the car is fully upto temperature, gears glide in and out smoothly, and the clutch pedal feels fine - the only gripe I have is that the clutch pedal sits very high (approx 10-20mm above the brake pedal) - which is rather frustrating, perhaps related?


So my questions are;


1. Are my problems, likely to be fluid related? if so, where/how do I change the fluid, and what with?

Are my problems likely to be master/slave cylinder? Is so, is there likely to be any visual sign? Where is each cylinder located? Big job to change either?


2. If the clutch pedal sitting high, isn't related to my other problem, is there a way of adjusting it?


I miss cable clutches, they were so much easier! :(

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It sounds like a master/slave cylinder problem to me...but im no expert on the hydraulic set up, i too prefer good old cable/rod change!


Have you checked the fluid level in the brake fluid pot?



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The level seems ok, approximately 3/4 full.


I had noticed the brakes feel quite ineffective (Green stuff pads with plenty left on them!) - they do improve once they've warmed up a bit, but had assumed this was a characteristic of the greens - however, on reflection, if the clutch and brakes share fluids, perhaps the fluid is naff causing the issues with both the clutch and the brakes.


Is there a guide somewhere to draining, flushing and refilling/bleeding both brakes and clutch? Dot 5 recommended?

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When was the fluid last changed??


The original slave cylinder was black painted - new should be alloy and unpainted... if it's never been changed then i'd do it anyway.

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