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my corrado found k39lmk but wrote off

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Bloody hell just up the road from you then!!


If they do write it off and you buy it back maybe you could think about an engine conversion, you say yourself the body is mint.

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my c is wrote of and is being picked up and taken to pengham part mart in cardiff :( not happpy as i jst spent out on de-cat kr cams filter.

i :censored: hate:censored: theifs


maybe looking for a nice g60 under £2500

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"Dragged it out the Garage"???


As in your car was Found IN someone's garage? I hope they cuffed the :censored: to the underside before they dragged it out!


Feel for you mate, seen the car yet? May not be that bad, some companies right-off Rados on very minor damage these days. Problem of not quite being a "Classic" yet, just seen as old cars... :mad2:

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Sorry to read about this.

Drowning is too good for some of these people IMHO.


Hope your insurer sorts you out properly and the scroats get what they truly deserve... as stated that would be a fate worse than drowning




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havnt been on here for a while the car is in pengham part mart in cardiff if any body wants parts it has kr cams de-cat workin spoiler dunno wats left atm though

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Dude that sucks, just went on the brakers website not a prity sight :(


some people need castrating so they dont pass on there piky genes on.

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