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brian g60 corrado

g60 intermitantly running rough

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hi all have been trying to get co set right,got it running nice last night went for a spin and was going very well ,then started running s**t.

could it be coil,distributer or knock sensor as i feel it could be one of these three .i have heared that the hall sensors can be a problem any ideas.cheers

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hi steveo problem started only when started from cold would splutter for a while then cleared.now problem has started when warmed up and driving along.

parts changed as follows.

metal head gasket/blue coolant sensor/o2 sensor/s,charger/chip and pully/ignitionkey switch.

now the only parts i havent changed yet are.distributer/coil/knock sensor.

i have heared that hall sensors inside distributers are prone too failing,also the knock sensors can fail.

have checked all earths allseem ok,have set co pot to 550 ohms and also tried other settings had car running nice ,drove for a while then started running rough possibly rich any ideas on a possible cure much thanks :?

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hello there , have you checked the timing ?? what chip are you running ? if you want to give me a call..

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hi darren i have a german chip from thomas,im sure the timings ok .

may have to ask you to take a look at it some time ,also do you have the plug in computers to test for faults ect.what would you charge for ecu check and set up.

thanks for reply.

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humm you say you have changed the lambda / co and checked all the earths from the ecu .. ?? is your 1mtr hose from the back of the throttle body to the ecu ok ?

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have you check all the vac hoses ? have you removed the carbon canister ? have you balnkedall the outlets if so ? is you isv working ? does it get worse wen warm ? sorry for the questions just think of possibilatys :lol:

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have checked all hoses all look ok,still have carbon canister,havent tried blocking any pipes yet which ones toblock


no no you only blank of points if you have removed carbon canister...

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from cold. idle speed was all over the place would also rise to about 3k sometimes.

then would settle,then drive and idle ok,even before i fitted chip and 68mm pully.

now it drives ok, but intermittantly runs poor spluttering with loss of power.

the other night i set co to 2.5% in tuning mode.took for a drive and ran realy well ,

the computer showed 40-50mpg .i could not belive it.then started spluttering and running very rich.adjusted co back to 550ohms,then drove home .

like i say it was realy flying then lost power and rich.could this be distibuter or knock senser.thanks for helping out with fault. :?

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